How Well Do You Know: Justified, S03E01: The Gunfighter
A Justified, S03E01: The Gunfighter Trivia Quiz
By Edwin Davies
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Justified, S03E01: The Gunfighter Trivia Quiz

Having defeated the combined might of the Bennett clan at the end of Season Two, you'd be forgiven for assuming that things are about to get quieter in Harlan County. Sadly, Raylan Given has no such luck, and despite having a low work load on account of being shot, he still finds himself facing off new villains and old acquaintances. You may know how to grab a gun before Fletcher Nix, but how well do you know Justifed, "The Gunfighter"?

The difficulty level of How Well Do You Know: Justified, S03E01: The Gunfighter is rated:
1 If you don't get at least half right, feel free to punch yourself in the face for us.
2 Relax and act natural, you should do fine.
3 Fanboy/fangirl obsession over the source material doesn't hurt here.
4 Dude. Seriously. Dude. is now on Facebook!
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