Add a Question/Add a Quiz

Wanted Quizzes! We have more than 400 quizzes in our catalog, but we're constantly publishing new ones.
Here's a sampling of some of the topics we're looking to cover:
The Wedding Planner
Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
March of the Penguins
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Read more.....

Add a Question
No quizzes are active for contributions right now.


The Quiz-o-Matic is our new quiz generator that you can use to build your quiz. It's easy and straightforward to use, and lets you build your quiz all at once or over the course of several days..

The Quiz-o-Matic will guide you through all of the criteria necessary for completing your quiz.

Just complete your quiz within 30 days (we'll naturally give you a longer period of time if you're doing a TV quiz) and use the notification feature inside to tell us know when your quiz is ready.

You must log in to use Quiz-o-Matic.

Add a Quiz
Is there a movie or TV show for which you're an authority? Is there a celeb with whom, through stalking extensive research, you're intimately familiar?

Want to see your work published on

Create your own quiz and send it to us! Use the simple guidelines below and send it to us ag

  • Most of our quizzes have 20-25 questions. For each question, you'll need to supply the correct answer and 3 incorrect answer. (Make sure when you submit your quiz, you indicate the correct answer)
  • Include opening blurb - a short paragraph introducing your quiz
  • Include the scoring ranges - most quizzes have 4-5 scoring ranges based on number of questions correct (e.g. 1-5 = Blah!; 6-10 - Meh! etc). We usually equate each scoring range with a quote or character from the film, but you have some liberty here.
  • Don't make the quizzes too hard. We want the quizzes to be challenging but not impossible.
Other considerations:
  • Sending us a quiz does not guarantee publication. We may contact you asking for clarifications, revisions, etc. We reserve the right to edit submissions as we see appropriate.
  • If we decide to publish your quiz, we'll contact you with a preview version of the quiz for you to run through. We'll also let you know when the quiz has been published so that you can use it to win friends and influence people.
  • No payment will be made for submissions.
  • We will credit you as the author on the quiz, but all submissions will be considered the property of and One of Us, Inc.

Upcoming Quizzes:
Plus each Friday:
This is So Last Week
(Pop culture week in review)
...and each Monday:
Overpaid Jerks
(Sports week in review)
