How Well Do You Know: Gilmore Girls, S03E02: Haunted Leg
A Gilmore Girls, S03E02: Haunted Leg Trivia Quiz
By Kelly Metz
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Gilmore Girls, S03E02: Haunted Leg Trivia Quiz

The elder Gilmore ladies are once again not getting along, due to Emily and Richard's reaction to Lorelai's news that she and Chris are not together. Rory tries to get Emily and Lorelai on friendlier terms, but that winds up inadvertently happening thanks to someone else. Rory finds herself dealing with an unpleasant situation at school, caused by students who are unhappy with Paris as student body president. How well do you know Gilmore Girls: S03E02: Haunted Leg?

The difficulty level of How Well Do You Know: Gilmore Girls, S03E02: Haunted Leg is rated:
1 If you don't get at least half right, feel free to punch yourself in the face for us.
2 Relax and act natural, you should do fine.
3 Fanboy/fangirl obsession over the source material doesn't hurt here.
4 Dude. Seriously. Dude. is now on Facebook!
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