How Well Do You Know: Seinfeld: The Serenity Now
A Seinfeld: The Serenity Now Trivia Quiz
By Tony Kollath
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Seinfeld: The Serenity Now Trivia Quiz

Jerry's girlfriend is irked that he won't get mad. Elaine tries to fend off Lippman's son. George goes to work for his father. You may rightfully be wary of Lloyd Braun, but how well do you know Seinfeld: The Serenity Now?

The difficulty level of How Well Do You Know: Seinfeld: The Serenity Now is rated:
1 If you don't get at least half right, feel free to punch yourself in the face for us.
2 Relax and act natural, you should do fine.
3 Fanboy/fangirl obsession over the source material doesn't hurt here.
4 Dude. Seriously. Dude. is now on Facebook!
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