How Well Do You Know: Friday
A Friday Trivia Quiz
By Crystal Howard
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Friday Trivia Quiz

I know you don't smoke weed - I know this, but I'm gonna get you high today. 'Cause it's Friday, you ain't got no job and you ain't got $hit to do. Words to live by from the dynamic duo of Chris Tucker and Ice Cube. Friday depicts the life and times of one day that neither character will forget. You may know playing with Big Worm's money is like playing with his emotions, but how well do you know Friday?

The difficulty level of How Well Do You Know: Friday is rated:
1 If you don't get at least half right, feel free to punch yourself in the face for us.
2 Relax and act natural, you should do fine.
3 Fanboy/fangirl obsession over the source material doesn't hurt here.
4 Dude. Seriously. Dude. is now on Facebook!
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Cast: Ice Cube, Chris Tucker, Nia Long, Tom "Tiny" Lister Jr., Regina King, Bernie Mac
Director: F. Gary Gray

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