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How Well Do You Know: 24: The Final Season
A 24: The Final Season Trivia Quiz
Daron Aldridge
Now as the world's deadliest grandfather, Jack is the lone voice of reason and truth as goes from saving the day at the request of the President to being hunted on orders of the President to prevent him from uncovering a conspiracy that threatens a peace deal. As expected, this final season of Jack Bauer involved many deaths, plot twists, conniving nationalities, a nuclear threat, red herrings and plenty of "dammit." So, it's time to find out how well do you know Jack (Bauer's last day on TV).
The difficulty level of
How Well Do You Know: 24: The Final Season
is rated:
If you don't get at least half right, feel free to punch yourself in the face for us.
Relax and act natural, you should do fine.
Fanboy/fangirl obsession over the source material doesn't hurt here.
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