How Well Do You Know: Bad Moms
A Bad Moms Trivia Quiz
By Kelly Metz
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Bad Moms Trivia Quiz

Amy Mitchell (Mila Kunis) is an exhausted, overworked mom trying to keep it all together in her personal and professional lives. After a confrontation with controlling PTA president Gwendolyn James (Christina Applegate), Amy decides to stop being "supermom", deciding to be wild and crazy with other unappreciated moms. How well do you know Bad Moms?

The difficulty level of How Well Do You Know: Bad Moms is rated:
1 If you don't get at least half right, feel free to punch yourself in the face for us.
2 Relax and act natural, you should do fine.
3 Fanboy/fangirl obsession over the source material doesn't hurt here.
4 Dude. Seriously. Dude. is now on Facebook!
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Cast: Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Christina Applegate, Jada Pinkett Smith, Kathryn Hahn
Director: Jon Lucas, Scott Moore

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