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How Well Do You Know: Rocky Movie Quotes
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Rocky Movie Quotes quiz

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1. You'll be able to spit nails, kid. Like the guy says, you're gonna eat lightning and you're gonna crap thunder.
Rocky III
Rocky Balboa
Rocky V
2. "What's your prediction for the fight?"
"My prediction?"
"Yes your prediction."
Rocky III
Rocky II
Rocky IV
3. "C'mon, pug. Touch me, I'll sue."
{fustigation ensues}
"Sue me for what? "
Rocky II
Rocky IV
Rocky V
Rocky III
4. Women weaken legs.
Rocky II
Rocky III
Rocky IV
5. You ain't so bad, you ain't so bad, you ain't nothin'
Rocky V
Rocky III
Rocky Balboa
6. All right, I know your manager dying had you all messed up in side. But the truth is you didn't look hungry. Now when we fought, you had that eye of the tiger, man, the edge. And now you gotta get it back. And the way to get it back is to go back to the beginning.
Rocky III
Rocky V
Rocky IV
7. I remember when she was standing there all nervous and shy with that little smile... And all I wanted her to do was trust me... And she did... she did...
Rocky V
Rocky II
Rocky Balboa
8. I fight to win. For me! For me!
Rocky V
Rocky II
Rocky IV
9. You got heart but you fight like a God damned ape. Nothing special about you, you never got your nose busted, well leave it that way, nice and pretty, and what's left of your mind.
Rocky V
Rocky III
Rocky Balboa
10. During this fight, I've seen a lot of changing - the way youse felt about me, and in the way I felt about you. In here, there were two guys killing each other, but I guess that's better than twenty million. What I'm trying to say, is that if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!
Rocky Balboa
Rocky IV
Rocky III
11. What we'll be calling on is good ol’ fashion blunt force trauma. Horsepower. Heavy-duty, cast-iron, piledriving punches that will have to hurt so much they'll rattle his ancestors. Every time you hit him with a shot, it's gotta feel like he tried kissing the express train. Yeah! Let's start building some hurtin' bombs!
Rocky Balboa
Rocky IV
Rocky V
12. Look at this face. 64 fights. Look at that nose. See that nose? That nose ain't never been broken. 64 fights. I've had guys bustin' on it, I had guys chewin' on it, twistin' it, punchin' it - I mean, Whack! Boom! These guys, they hittin' my nose all the time. Never broken. I'm very proud of that. Isn't that rare? That's rare.
Rocky Balboa
Rocky V
Rocky III
13. "Rocky, do you think you've suffered brain damage?"
"I don't see any."
Rocky Balboa
Rocky V
Rocky II
14. "What's the attraction?"
"I don't know. Fills gaps, I guess."
"What's 'gaps'?"
"I dunno, gaps. She's got gaps, I got gaps. Together, we fill gaps. I dunno."
Rocky II
Rocky III
Rocky IV
15. "Oh, what are you talking about? I've had ten title defenses."
"That was easy!"
"What do you mean easy?"
"They was hand picked!"
"Setups?" "No they weren't setups. They was good fighters but they wasn't killers like this guy. He'll knock you into tomorrow, Rock."
Rocky III
Rocky Balboa
Rocky V
16. He's not human. He's like a piece of iron.
Rocky IV
Rocky V
Rocky II
17. He's all wrong for us, baby. I saw you beat that man like I never saw no man get beat before, and the man kept coming after you. Now we don't need no man like that in our lives.
Rocky III
Rocky II
Rocky Balboa
Rocky IV
18. But first, you gotta get speed. Demon speed. Speed's what we need. We need greasy, fast speed!
Rocky II
Rocky III
Rocky IV
19. The little man don't want to come to me, then I'll come to you people and lay out the truth. I am ranked number one. ONE! That means I'm the best. But this bum's been taking the easy matches. Fighting other bums. I'm telling you and everybody here. I'll fight him anywhere, anytime for nothing. But you people ain't never going to see that happen, because he's going to retire. You see, he don't fight no real men. He fights them setups!
Rocky Balboa
Rocky IV
Rocky III
Rocky V
20. The man's running. the man's hiding. The man doesn't want to face me. So I say to you, Rocky Balboa, or whatever your name is, that I want the American people to know, I want the world to know that I'm ready, willing and able to meet you anywhere, anyplace, anytime.
Rocky III
Rocky V
Rocky II
Rocky Balboa
21. If he dies, he dies.
Rocky IV
Rocky V
Rocky III
22. "I see three of him out there."
"Hit the one in the middle!"
Rocky Balboa
Rocky III
Rocky IV
23. You're the Man. You're number one. The Champ, the best of all time. Girls love you - Men, old people love you. Young people love you. You're the best. You're the Man, and he's yours. He's yours, he's yours. This bum shouldn't be in the same ring with you. I want you to show him who you are tonight. Show him who you are tonight.
Rocky III
Rocky II
Rocky V
24. See that? This is the favorite thing that I have on this Earth. And Rocky Marciano give me that. You know what it was? His cufflink. Huh? And now I'm givin' it to you and it, it's gotta be like a, like an angel on your shoulder see? If you ever get hurt and you feel that you're goin' down this little angel is gonna whisper in your ear. It's gonna say, 'Get up you son of a bitch 'cause Mickey loves you'. Okay?
Rocky V
Rocky III
Rocky IV
25. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward.
Rocky III
Rocky V
Rocky Balboa

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