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How Well Do You Know: 5/25/18-5/31/18
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1. And just like that, this previously-renewed show was suddenly cancelled this week:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Last Man Standing
Blue Bloods
2. Caught up in the whole Roseanne mess was this medication, which she blamed for the rant which led to her being axed:
3. In other news of the spectacularly failing, Solo: A Star Wars Story failed to entice much of anyone to the theaters, as the film only brought in approximately this much from North America during the holiday weekend:
$75 million
$100 million
$125 million
$150 million
4. Solo going ker-splat might quash Disney's plans, theorized going into the weekend, to greenlight an origin story about this Star Wars character:
Admiral Ackbar
Boba Fett
Jabba the Hutt
5. Music surprise, Part 1: If you're a member of boy band BTS, then you're in the first group from this country to hit #1 on the Billboard charts:
South Africa
South Korea
6. Music surprises, Part 2: Responding to a fan's obsessive requests, alt-rock band Weezer covered this 1980s chestnut, the recording of which shot immediately to #1 on iTunes
Making Love out of Nothing At All by Air Supply
Lady in Red by Chris de Burgh
Kiss on my List by Hall & Oates
Africa by Toto
7. Pop Culture/Politics, Part 1: Naturally, this TV star met with President Trump to discuss prison reform:
Kathy Griffin
David Hasselhoff
Kelsey Grammer
Kim Kardashian
8. Pop Culture/Politics, Part 2: In a somewhat more tradition development, HBO aired a rather touching documentary about this current US politician:
John McCain
Marco Rubio
Dianne Feinstein
Mitch McConnell
9. Say hi to the new Bachelorette, whose turn on the show started this week. Call her:
10. And finally, creators of this entertainment offering have sued producers of the upcoming Melissa McCarthy movie The Happytime Murders:
The Smurfs
Looney Tunes
Sesame Street
Winnie the Pooh

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