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How Well Do You Know: 5/5/17-5/11/17
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1. Politics continues to fuel pop culture. According to this action star, there's a "real possibility" he might run for US president some day:
Vin Diesel
Chris Pratt
Dwayne Johnson
Terry Crewes
2. Moving from a potential future president to actual former president, apparently Bill Clinton is writing a political thriller novel. To do so, he's teaming up with this prolific author:
Dan Brown
James Patterson
John Grisham
EL James
3. If you're a country music legend who is recuperating after surviving a stroke this week, please step, wait, get back into bed and rest up:
Loretta Lynn
Dolly Parton
Glen Campbell
Willie Nelson
4. And going from country to pop, the portrayer of this comic book legend in an upcoming superhero film absolutely tore. it. up. during a performance of Rihanna's Umbrella on Lip Sync Battle:
Wonder Woman's Gal Gadot
Justice League's Jason Momoa
Spider-Man: Homecoming's Tom Holland
Thor: Ragnarok's Chris Hemsworth
5. TalkShowHostNews, Part 1: There was news this week that, because of a tirade we mentioned in last week's SLW, this recognizable name would be the subject of an FCC investigation:
Samantha Bee
Jimmy Kimmel
Stephen Colbert
Trevor Noah
6. TalkShowHostNews, Part 2: Meanwhile, the FCC had to state that an outage to its website came from an attack, and was not the result of a campaign coordinated by:
Carson Daly
Glenn Beck
Andy Cohen
Jon Oliver
7. TalkShowHostNews, Part 3:Do not come to my dressing room unless invited.

Do not open my dressing room door. IF YOU OPEN MY DOOR, EXPECT TO BE REMOVED.

My security team will stop everyone from standing at my door who have the intent to see or speak to me.
This host might have lost some fans upon the leak of a very prickly email distributed to his/her show's staff:
James Corden
Conan O'Brien
Ellen Degeneres
Steve Harvey
8. Jennifer Morrison announced she is leaving the show. News of this made us realize that headliners Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas had already left. Which show has left us wondering if there's anyone left in its cast?
Once Upon a Time
9. "Hey, that's no actor!" some might have said, as this female took home Best Actor in a Movie at the MTV Movie & TV Awards:
Hailee Steinfeld
Taraji P. Henson
Emma Watson
Jennifer Lawrence
10. Its corpse barely even cold, American Idol is being given the Lazarus treatment, as this network is bringing the pop culture franchise back to television:

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