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How Well Do You Know: 8/26/16-9/1/16
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1. Superhuman on screen, wonderfully human in real life: The talent behind these two big-time Marvel figures have been visiting children in hospitals in character lately to spread some cheer:
Black Widow and the Hulk
Captain America and Iron Man
Thor and Loki
Spider-Man and Nick Fury
2. 2016 swung its scythe again and took the life of comedy legend Gene Wilder. If you know movie comedy at all, you'll know this director was Wilder's frequently collaborator, on such projects as Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles and The Producers:
Billy Wilder
John Landis
Marty Feldman
Mel Brooks
3. RIP also to Darrell Ward, star of this reality show, who died in a small plane crash this week:
Duck Dynasty
Ice Road Truckers
Deadliest Catch
4. The new Dancing with the Stars cast has been announced. And by "Stars" apparently, they mean Olympians Ryan Lochte and Laurie Hernandez and which of these former presidential candidates?
Rick Perry
Jeb Bush
Bernie Sanders
Chris Christie
By way of explanation.....
Plus, we will get Vanilla Ice and Marcia Brady this season.
5. Law & Order, Part 1: The Law - Due to reported threats of gun violence at his home, this week saw a "long and protracted" standoff between LAPD and what singer with a troubled past, who was subsequently arrested?
Chris Brown
Justin Bieber
Anthony Kiedis
6. Law & Order, Part 2: The Order - This very famous singer reported for jury duty in Nashville but didn't have to serve.....but did pose for photos for fellow prospective jurors.
Blake Shelton
Keith Urban
Carrie Underwood
Taylor Swift
7. On the topic of Swift (hopefully, if you guessed the last one correctly), her Taylorness was somewhat oddly and very noticeably absent from this high-profile pop culture event this week:
The VMAs
People's Choice Awards
Cannes Film Festival
Teen Choice Awards
8. Among those who did bother to appear at MTV's signature gathering was this lady, who walked away with....let's see:
  • Video of the Year
  • Female Video
  • Pop Video
  • Long Form Video
  • Choreography
Katy Perry
Meghan Trainor
9. And her performance at the VMAs marked a return, of sorts, of this woman, whose videos of many, many years ago helped turn her into a household name:
Britney Spears
Paula Abdul
10. Though summer's over, this star will take a bit of a vacation, as she announced she's taking time off to deal with panic attacks and depression:
Selena Gomez
Leslie Jones
Jennifer Lawrence
Mila Kunis

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