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How Well Do You Know: 5/23/14-5/29/14
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"Not that anyone should care, but in order to not give the press the chance to invent crazy and hurtfull drama, I prefer to tell my fans personally that [my partner] and I have decided to be apart..." Which Modern Family star announced a break-up publicly, beating the tabloids to the punch?
2. When Miley Cyrus tells you to "Get it together!" you know you're either a little out of control or having a very, very good time. But that's what happened to this star, who had a little too much to drink at an after-Oscar party before being counseled by Miley:
Lupita Nyong'o
Meryl Streep
Jessica Chastain
Jennifer Lawrence
3. A widely-viewed Youtube video treated us to the sounds of this distinctive-voiced actor on helium, in a promotion for his new Science Channel show:
Patrick Stewart
James Earl Jones
Morgan Freeman
Matthew McConaughey
4. V Magazine features Katy Perry in an S&M-flavored photoshoot with this music star, who we think you have heard of:
Lady Gaga
5. Up-and-coming blockbuster directors, take note: Direct a new Godzilla movie that doesn't flop and you too can land the gig directing a spinoff for this famous franchise.

Right, Gareth Edwards?
Star Wars
The Avengers
Harry Potter
Star Trek
6. Speaking of Harry Potter (which was not the correct answer on the previous question), this star of the wizarding world of Mr. Potter just graduated from Brown University.
Daniel Radcliffe
Rupert Grint
Emma Watson
That guy that played Neville Longbottom
7. Guests of a certain South Carolina-based bachelor party had a Brush With Greatness over the weekend, as it was crashed by which classic Saturday Night Live veteran?
Chevy Chase
Bill Murray
Dan Aykroyd
Eddie Murphy
8. Oopsies! Two members of this boy-ish band recorded a video of them smoking a joint in Peru, which of course was leaked to the Internet.
One Direction
Backstreet Boys
Jonas Brothers
9. Fred, Dan, Jason, Danica, Alley and Josh got back together and took some memorable photos this week, as the cast of this TV cast's reunion sparked wide-spread nostalgia:
The Wonder Years
My So-Called Life
Freaks and Geeks
10. F-U-N-D-R-A-I-S-E-R spells success, as proponents of this show responded overwhelmingly to a Kickstarter, raising over $1 million to resurrect this educational program:
Sesame Street
Electric Company
3-2-1 Contact
Reading Rainbow

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