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How Well Do You Know: Steel Magnolias
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Steel Magnolias quiz

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1. What time of year is it when the movie opens?
2. What kind of nail polish does Shelby want?
Blood red
Delicate Pink
Passion Purple
French Manicure
3. What will Shelby's father, Drum, do if he catches Jackson in Shelby's room before the wedding?
Call off the wedding
Cut Jackson's thing off
Throw Jackson out the window
Shoot him with his gun
4. How does Shelby say Jackson will be able to find her in the church?
She'll be dressed in white
She will be singing his favorite song
She'll be the one in the veil down front
She'll have her father bring him to her
5. What kind of job does Jackson have?
City councilman
Construction worker
6. What does Shelby say M'Lynn's hair looks like?
Dog hair all clumped together
An upside down salad bowl
A brown football helmet
A bowling ball
7. What did Ouiser say she's sure Drum does that shows he's a real gentleman?
Takes the dishes out of the sink before he pees in it
Takes his hat off before he watches football
Smiles when he farts
Waits until after dinner to burp
8. What makes Ouiser yell to her dog as her, Shelby & M'Lynn are chasing him?
"Come back here and I'll give you a treat"
"Don't go after the cats"
"Get back here, you crazy dog!!"
Kill, Rhett, kill!!
9. What are Shelby's colors in her wedding?
Magenta and Neon Pink
Blush and Bashful
Pale Pink and Ivory White
Passion Pink & Blushing Bride
10. Who plays the minister who marries Jackson and Shelby?
The writer, Robert Harling
The director, Herbert Ross
Daryl Hannah
Dylan McDermott's father
11. What part of the groom's cake (armadillo) that Ouiser gives Drum?
12. What is Drum's response to his cake?
"Nice way to show your ass"
"Awwww how thoughtful."
"What, you couldn't give me head??"
"Nothing like a good piece of ass."
13. What do Shelby's brothers decorate her wedding car with?
Whipped cream
Flowers from Shelby's bouquet
Icing from the wedding cake.
14. Why did the radio station let Clariee talk on the radio?
She won a contest
It was her new job
She bought the radio station
She wasn't, she just thought she was
15. What is Jackson giving Shelby for Christmas that tips M'Lynn off that Shelby is pregnant?
Furniture for the nursery
Maternity clothes
Baby clothes
A big new house.
16. What is the last part of the phrase Clairee says: "If you can't say anything nice about anyone.."
"then don't say anything at all."
"fake it with a smile."
"then you must be Ouiser."
"come sit by me"
17. Who is Shelby's baby named after?
One of her brothers
Jackson's father
18. Ouiser says she's not crazy, she's just..
hating everyone.
Rich and proud of it.
Been in a very bad mood for 40 years.
19. Shelby needs a kidney transplant. Who will give her the kidney?
Jack Jr.
20. Who does Clairee say Ouiser would give a kidney to if they needed it?
A stranger
Her dog
No one.
21. What does Ouiser say she's done that proves she's religious?
Read the bible to kids on weekends
Taught Sunday school when she was younger
Sold Bibles to raise money for charity.
Went bar hopping while dressed as a nun
22. What holiday does Annelle get married on?
Valentine's Day
23. Who is with Shelby when she dies?
M'Lynn & Drum
Jackson & Jack Jr.
24. What does Clairee say Ouiser worships about her?
Her looks
The quicksand she walks on
Her money and power
Her fashion sense
25. What does Annelle give birth to?
Twins, 1 each
It's not said.

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