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How Well Do You Know: Die Hard Movie Quotes
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Die Hard Movie Quotes quiz

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1. John McClane: Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs....
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
2. Someone else: You just killed a helicopter with a car!
John McClane: I was out of bullets.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
3. John McClane: Oh, we are just up to our a$$ in terrorists again, John?
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
4. Someone else: Why're you callin' me Jesus? Do I look Puerto Rican??
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
5. Someone else: McClane? I thought I killed you already.
John McClane: I get that sometimes.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
6. Someone else: You give me this story and I'll have your baby.
John McClane: Not the kind of ride I'm looking for.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
7. John McClane: Say hello to your brother.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
8. Someone else: We're gonna need some more FBI guys, I guess.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
9. John McClane: You think you can find a track where he is?
Someone else: Detective, covering the camera with your hand does not turn off the microphone.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
10. Someone else: Special Agent Johnson. I'll take the sedan.
John McClane: Agent Johnson?
Someone else: That's right.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
11. Someone else: You know my name but who are you? Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he's John Wayne? Rambo? Marshall Dillon?
John McClane: Was always kinda' partial to Roy Rogers actually. I really dig those sequined shirts.
Someone else: Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mister Cowboy?
John McClane:Yippee-ki-yay, motherf***r.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
12. Someone else: I wonder, would a deal be out of the question?
John McClane: Yeah, I got a deal for you. Come out from that rock you're hiding under, and I'll drive this truck up your a$$.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
13. Somebody else: Hey. You're supposed to do that at the morgue.
John McClane: Not anymore. Got a new SOP for DOA's from the FAA.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
14. John McClane: Drop it, d!ckhead. It's the police.
Someone else: You won't hurt me.
John McClane: Oh, yeah? Why not?
Someone else: Because you're a policeman. There are rules for policemen.
John McClane: Yeah. That's what my captain keeps telling me.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
15. John McClane: Hey, Carmine. Let me ask you something. What sets off the metal detectors first, the lead in your a$$ or the sh!t in your brain?
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
16. John McClane: Just wait, wait a second. I got it. I got it. Exactly 2 gallons in here, right?
Someone else: Right.
John McClane: Leaving exactly 1 gallon of empty space, right?
Someone else: Yeah.
John McClane: A full 5 gallon here, right?
Someone else: Right.
John McClane: You pull 1 gallon out of 5 gallons in there, we have exactly 4 gallons in here.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
17. Someone else: On your tombstone it should read, "Always in the wrong place at the wrong time".
John McClane: How about, "Yippi-kay-ay, motherfu - "
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
18. Someone else: So, Kareem rebounds -- listen, this is a great play -- feeds Worthy on the break, over to A.C., to Magic,back to Worthy in the lane and [gunshots] Boom...two points
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
19. Someone else: I can appreciate your feelings for McClane. But believe me, the jerk isn't worth it. He's stepped on so many toes in this department, by this time next month he's gonna be a security guard. His own wife wants nothing to do with him, and he's about two steps shy of becoming a full-blown alcoholic.
John McClane: One step, *one* step.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
20. John McClane: I can't f@#%ing believe this. Another basement, another elevator. How could the same sh!t happen to the same guy, twice.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
21. John McClane: I mean, you've *got* to be running out of bad guys by now, right? Huh?... Honestly, you can tell me. I mean, how does that work? Got some kind of service or something? Some kind of 800 number? 1-800-HENCHMEN? Oh, you know what? I bet you're still on hold with, "Can I get another dead Asian hooker bitch over here right away?"
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
22. Someone else: This frequency is reserved for emergency communications...
John McClane: No f@#%ing s!it, lady! Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza!?
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
23. John McClane: Attention! Attention! Nils is dead! I repeat, Nils is dead, f@*khead. So's his pal, and those four guys from the East German All-Stars.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
24. Someone else: You're not pissing in somebody's pool, are you?
John McClane: Yeah, and I'm fresh outta chlorine.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
25. Someone else: And When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard

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