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How Well Do You Know: Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers
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1. What is Gromit's birthday?
March 18th
October 22nd
February 12th
December 2nd
2. What song does Gromit's birthday card play?
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow
Happy Birthday
God Save the Queen
Hit Me Baby One More Time
3. What is not one of the headlines on the newspapers that Gromit reads?
4. What does Wallace decide to do to help make ends meet?
Invent a money machine
Sell his cheese
Rent out the spare room
Wash windows
5. What is the first gift that we see Wallace give to Gromit for his birthday?
A bone
A dish with his name on it
The Techno Trousers
A collar and leash
6. What is Gromit reading the morning after staying up all night?
Machiavelli's 'The Prince'
Plato's 'The Republic'
Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'
King's 'The Stand'
7. What is not one of the things Gromit puts into his bindle as he runs away?
A bone
An alarm clock
A brush
A picture of Wallace & Gromit
8. What book does the paying guest use to alter the Techno Trousers?
Electronics for Dogs
Popular Mechanics
Inventions for Dummies
9. What does the paying guest use to initially scale the wall of the museum?
A tape measure
A ladder
Techno Trousers
Hiking boots
10. What is the box that Gromit uses to avoid detection?
Meatabix Dog Food
Jerky Time Treats
Crackin' Good Eats
11. How does Wallace accidentally avoid the lasers in the museum upon entry?
Picking up a penny
A mirror
12. What clever disguise does the paying guest use to conceal his true identity?
A ski mask
A rubber glove
A wig
A beard
13. What weapon does Gromit confront the villain with?
A gun
A rolling pin
A hockey stick
A bone
14. What is the paying guest's name?
Feathers McGraw
Wiggles the Bird
Chester Copperpot
15. What unconventional restraint is used to capture the villain?
A refrigerator
A brown paper bag
A cheese wheel
A milk bottle
16. What does Wallace keep in his safe?
His cheese
A picture of Gromit
Blueprints for the Techno Trousers
His piggy bank
17. What is Gromit doing in the park, instead of going on his walkies?
Riding the merry-go-round
Playing cards with some dogs
Going down the slides
Flying a kite
18. What is in the picture that hangs over Wallace's bed?
A sheep
A slice of cheese
A picture of the moon

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