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How Well Do You Know: Necessary Roughness
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1. What is the name of fictional university in the film?
Brandeis University
Faber College
Port Charles University
Texas State University
2. What is Coach Gennero's nickname?
The Fresh Prince
Straight Arrow
3. Why did Paul Blake quit college as a young man?
He was caught having sex with the dean's wife
He flunked too many classes, losing his scholarship
He had to run the family farm after his father's death
He joined Starfleet Academy
4. From what institution is the team the Armadillos play their first pre-season game as a team?
A Catholic girls' school
A mental hospital
A senior citizens' center
The state penitentiary
5. What distinguishes the actors that play the prison team the Armadillos face?
They've all appeared in other sport-related films
They are all professional football players doing cameo roles
They're all related to the producers
They're all studio execs
6. What upsets Coach Gennero about the dinner the alumni hold for the team?
The alumni give the players sports jackets with the school logo
They didn't invite him
The players were in training and shouldn't have been drinking
They served red wine with fish
7. What makes Paul Blake decide to quit college again?
Because of Coach Gennero's treatment of the players at the alumni dinner
He's lost his throwing arm and will soon lose his scholarship
He never really wanted to go to college
His teacher girlfriend is pregnant
8. Why does Jarvis Edison decide to leave school?
He needed to 'find himself'
He feels his dad is buying him a degree
He lost his scholarship when his grades fell below a C average
He went to LA to become an actor, even though what he really wanted to do was direct
9. Why does Paul decide to remain in college?
It's better than working on the farm
Coach Gennero apologizes
He feels an obligation to the team
To keep Jarvis in school
10. What hidden talent does Paul uncover?
Pottery making
11. What is unusual about the Armadillos' place-kicker?
The place-kicker is gay
The place-kicker is a girl
The place-kicker is a senior citizen
The place-kicker isn't unusual at all
12. What makes Andre Krimm an unusual football player?
He doesn't speak English
He's never played football before
He's Sinbad
He's a teacher at the college and a vegetarian
13. Who is trying to sabotage the football program?
Dean Phillip Elias
Coach Ed Gennero
Chuck Neidermann
Carver Purcell
14. What happens to Coach Gennero before the Armadillos' final game?
He breaks his arm in a bar fight
He's killed in a drive-by shooting
He gets laryngitis and can't call plays
He gets a severe case of indigestion that he thinks is a heart attack
15. Who starts calling the plays for the Armadillos during their final game, ultimately leading to them winning?
Paul Blake
Coach Rig
Sargie 'Fumblina' Wilkinson

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