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How Well Do You Know: Office Space
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1. Director Mike Judge also created which cartoon featured on MTV?
Beavis and Butthead
Celebrity Deathmatch
Carson Daly
2. Which feeling does Peter get about his girlfriend Anne?
She's too needy
She's cheating on him
She's a serial killer
She's too caring for her own good
3. Which color is Milton's stapler?
Metallic Brown
4. When does Lumbergh ask Peter to come in for work?
Friday Night
Saturday - oh, and Sunday too
Memorial Day
5. Why does Peter use the side door to come in every morning?
So Lumbergh doesn't see him
The receptionists at the front door annoy him
It's closer to his cubicle
He believes it's good luck
6. What does Peter ask his neighbor Lawrence to pretend?
That they never met
That they can't hear each other through the walls
That he's Bill Lumbergh
That he's a naughty, naughty nurse
7. Which office tool bears the wrath of Peter, Samir and Michael?
The pencil sharpner
The telephone
The printer
Bill Lumbergh
8. Why does Michael Bolton say he won't go by "Mike" instead?
He hopes to be more famous than the "other" Bolton
His girlfriend thinks it's sexier
His brother's name is Mike
He's not the one who sucks
9. Which kind of drink is inadvertently delivered to Milton after he orders a Mai Tai?
Pina Colada
Blue Hawaiian
Shirley Temple
Grey Goose and Tonic
10. What does Samir say he would do with a million dollars?
Invest half of it in mutual funds, and give the other half to his friend who works in securities
Donate half to charity and use the other half to buy a Lamborghini
Buy up a huge amount of sports memorabilia, especially the new red Atlanta Falcons jersey
Buy a million lottery tickets
11. From which movie did Michael get the idea for his embezzlement scheme?
Wall Street
The Color of Money
The Grifters
Superman 3
12. What does Peter say he'd do with a million bucks (besides two chicks at the same time)?
Help Smykowski create his "Jump to Conclusions" mat
Buy Anne the kind of expensive jewelry she deserves
Buy Joanna the kind of expensive jewelry she deserves
13. Which game is Peter playing right before his second meeting with The Bobs?
Halo 2
14. Which kind of game system does Peter own?
Nintendo 64
Trick question, he's Amish and doesn't believe in technology
15. What is Bill Lumbergh's license plate number?
I BRK 4 $
16. The sign outside Dr. Swanson's hypnotherapy office says that he offers help with: Anxiety, Depression, Marriage, Weight Loss, Smoking and _______?
Child care
Fishing lures
17. What is the name of the restaurant that Joanna and Peter have lunch at?
Multinational House of Waffles
18. Who is Michael Bolton singing along with during his drive into work?
Geto Boys
Ice Cube
Michael Bolton
19. How many pieces of flair does Joanna wear on her uniform?
20. Which kind of car does Peter Gibbons drive?
Beige Toyota Corolla
Red VW Beetle
White Ford Taurus
The Batmobile

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