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How Well Do You Know: 1/30/09-2/5/09
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1. In what we sincerely hope isn't foreshadowing of Wall-E being robbed of the Best Animated Feature award at the Oscars, which film was named the best of 2008 at the Annie Awards?
Kung Fu Panda
Waltz with Bashir
2. More movie awards news! Another week means another award for Slumdog Millionaire. Whose top prize did the Danny Boyle film take home on January 31?
Director's Guild
People's Choice
Independent Spirit
3. Consulting the "hot, young actress in a room with a bunch of technical geeks that don't merit Oscar airtime" file, we learn that this actress will host this year's Academy Scientific and Technical Awards:
Natalie Portman
Kate Bosworth
Jessica Biel
Scarlett Johansson
4. Hey, was the Super Bowl played over the weekend? Yes! Which songbird had to wade through accusations that she lip-synched her rendition of the Star Spangled Banner to start the game?
Faith Hill
Jennifer Hudson
Aretha Franklin
5. Something odd happened during the Super Bowl broadcast carried by the Tucson, Arizona NBC affiliate. What was it?
The second half of the game was blacked out
The fourth quarter was dubbed entirely in Spanish
About ten seconds of pornographic material was aired
The end of the game was pre-empted for a broadcast of Heidi
6. Thankfully, he didn't heed her advice, but which loud-mouthed comedienne urged Bruce Springsteen to use his Super Bowl performance to denounce the US support of Israel?
Joan Rivers
Rosie O'Donnell
Roseanne Barr
Brett Butler
7. Various retailers throughout the US handed out special goofy-looking glasses so that Super Bowl viewers could watch a 3D commercial for what upcoming movie?
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Year One
Monsters vs. Aliens
Angels and Demons
8. Hopefully you held onto said 3D glasses, so you could enjoy the dimensionally-enhanced presentation of which NBC show that aired Monday night?
NBC Nightly News
9. Which action star's profanity-laden tirade on the set of a movie was captured and widely circulated throughout the interweb?
Christian Bale
Matt Damon
Daniel Craig
Kevin James
10. Donning his Literary Critic smock in a recent interview, Stephen King blasted the author of which hugely popular series as not being able to "write worth a darn. [He/She] is not very good"?
Harry Potter
The Spiderwick Chronicles
The Dark Tower
11. As somewhat of an extension of one of his film roles, Kevin Costner announced that he will:
Thoroughly investigate the JFK assassination
Save Whitney Houston's life
Try to qualify for the PGA tour
Own a minor league baseball team in rural Illinois
12. Even though the convention doesn't happen in Las Vegas until April, ShoWest named this star of a summer film as its "Star of Tomorrow."
Chris Pine of Star Trek
Anton Yelchin of Star Trek and Terminator Salvation
Paul Rust of Inglorious Basterds and I Love You, Beth Cooper
Channing Tatum of G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra
13. Attention, young stars living in the age of the Internet: Any boneheaded move can and will be spread like wildfire! Exhibit A: this teen star who offended the entire Asian population for pulling her eyes sideways while posing with an Asian friend.
Taylor Swift
Miley Cyrus
Dakota Fanning
Jamie Lynn Spears
14. Eschewing her usual blonde color, the star seen here:

made news by going brunette at the premiere of her upcoming movie.
Scarlett Johansson
Charlize Theron
Kate Bosworth
Kate Hudson
15. Which former American Idol contestant caught our attention this week when she spoke thusly: "People are like, 'Are you secretly a lesbian? Because I'd really love it.' Lesbians tell it to me all the time. I'm like, 'I'm glad it works for you and I wish I liked women like that because oftentimes men are very hard for me, but I happen to like boys.'"
Kellie Pickler
Carrie Underwood
Nikki McKibben
Kelly Clarkson
16. More AI! One of the hopefuls cut on Wednesday night was the son of a member of this musical family:
17. Which fallen celeb continues to populate the earth, as he is expecting his fifth child with current partner Alicia Etheridge (their first together)?
Jack Osbourne
Bret Michaels
Nick Nolte
Bobby Brown
18. Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous (original title: Major Movie Star), featuring this reality show star, went straight to DVD Wednesday:
Kelly Osbourne
Jessica Simpson
Heidi Montag
19. At a recent technology conference, which very rich man approached Howard Hughes Kookiness Territory as he unleashed a jar of mosquitoes upon the room, saying: "Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. I brought some. Here I'll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected"?
Steve Jobs
Richard Branson
Bill Gates
Donald Trump
20. The cast for the newest season of Survivor has been announced. In the tradition of semi-recognizable people playing the game, like Olympic medalist Crystal Cox and former NFL quarterback Gary Hogeboom, a member of which '90s R&B group is among the castaways?
En Vogue
Boyz II Men
Tony! Toni! Toné!

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