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How Well Do You Know: 12/13/19-12/19/19
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1. Need a little fun while you're at home during the holidays? Apparently, you can now program your Alexa device to respond using the voice of this recognizable actor:
Jack Nicholson
Christopher Walken
Samuel L. Jackson
Judi Dench
2. The Masked Singer transitioned from entertaining oddity in its first season to cultural benchmark in its second. The second season's champion, wearing the Fox costume, was:
Wayne Brady
Patti LaBelle
Chris Daughtry
3. In news from more traditional singing competitions, the voice crowned Jake Hoot as its newest champion. If Jake gives a hoot to thank his coach, he should acknowledge:
John Legend
Gwen Stefani
Blake Shelton
Kelly Clarkson
4. New at the box office was the update of holiday slasher film Black Christmas. If you know your holiday movie trivia, you know that the original's director, Bob Clark, also directed this holiday classic:
A Christmas Story
Miracle on 34th Street
Christmas Vacation
Home Alone
5. Fans of this show had waited long enough, dammit, but they can finally watch the full, uncut film Threat Level Midnight, originally broadcast in pieces during the show's original run:
30 Rock
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
The Office
6. This network got caught up in a hellstorm of negative PR this week, originally pulling ads for wedding service Zola that showed two brides kissing, before finally caving and airing the ad:
7. We now turn to Avengers on the Small Screen. This week found the cast member of the year's biggest film hosting Saturday Night Live:
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Brie Larson
Scarlett Johansson
8. And with Jimmy Kimmel attending the broadcast of ABC's Live in Front of a Studio Audience Wednesday night, this Avengers cast member stepped in behind the desk to act as Kimmel's guest host:
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Brie Larson
Scarlett Johansson
9. RIP Herman Boone, real-life sports coach whose team was memorialized in this based-on-a-true-story film:
Remember the Titans
A League of Their Own
10. And in closing, we also bid a fond farewell to Danny Aiello who portrayed the tough but sympathetic everyman. Aiello earned his one Oscar nomination for this work:
Do the Right Thing
Broadway Danny Rose
Hudson Hawk

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