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How Well Do You Know: 4/5/19-4/11/19
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1. Let's start the quiz in the Pop Culture/Legal file. Name the new CBS drama that started this week about the team of Marine lawyers:
Code Red
Code of the Corps
Corps Code
The Code
2. In a story that we just can't wait to develop, this megafamous celeb claims to have aspirations on passing the bar, without ever having gone to law school:
Kim Kardashian
Karlie Kloss
Rebecca Black
Selena Gomez
3. Meanwhile, in Operation Varsity Blues, Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin might or might not have plead guilty and/or rejected a plea deal this week. Can you clear up for us who did what?
Both plead guilty
Huffman plead guilty; Loughlin rejected the deal
Loughlin plead guilty; Huffman rejected the deal
Both rejected the plea deal
4. And in a case we still don't completely understand, this actress plead guilty in the NXIVM sex cult case:
Kelly Rowan
Nicki Aycox
Sophia Bush
Allison Mack
5. It's the semi-appropriate career of James Holzhauer, who set the single-day record with a whopping $110,914 one one episode of Jeopardy this week:
Encyclopedia author
Game show host
Sports gambler
Quiz bowl moderator
6. If you had to get rushed to the LAPD station after getting swarmed by paparazzi following an appearance on Kimmel, then you have a surprising amount in common with this Avengers star:
Scarlett Johansson
Robert Downey, Jr.
Samuel L. Jackson
Chris Evans
7. Last Friday was the end of a TV era, when this TV host signed off for the last time, ending a 30-some-odd-year career:
Carson Daly
Dr. Phil
Kathie Lee Gifford
Ellen Degeneres
8. Get ready to crack open your checkbooks. Disney released details about its streaming service this week. The name of the service looking to challenge Netflix, Hulu et. al. is:
Disney Now
Disney Plus
Disney Go
9. Speaking of wads of cash, this singer put her money where her mouth is, donating an impressive $113,000 to a LGTBQ advocacy group in Tennessee:
Dolly Parton
Katy Perry
Taylor Swift
Carrie Underwood
10. And five-six-seven-eight: He is the choreography legend that is half of the title pair in FX's new drama series:
Alvin Ailey
Jerome Robbins
Bob Fosse
Michael Bennett

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