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How Well Do You Know: 2/22/19-3/1/19
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1. On the eve of the Oscars, this film won Best Picture at the Spirit Awards:
The Favourite
Green Book
2. It will be remembered as one of the most unpopular Best Picture Oscar winners ever. It is:
The Favourite
Green Book
3. Its director won the Best Director Oscar:
The Favourite
Green Book
4. Of the movies listed, it did not have a 2019 acting Oscar award winner among its cast:
The Favourite
Bohemian Rhapsody
If Beal Street Could Talk
5. The Oscars had no host this year. A trio of women, though, combined for a host-like monologue to get the show started. She was not among those three:
Amy Poehler
Tina Fey
Kate McKinnon
Maya Rudolph
6. And with her win for Original Song, Lady Gaga is well on her way, some would say, to the coveted EGOT. Which of the awards has she won to this point?
Oscar only
Oscar and Grammy
Oscar, Grammy and Tony
Oscar, Grammy and Emmy
7. And she stole the show, fashion-wise, wearing an ornate gown festooned with approximately two dozen rabbits as she helped present an award:
Emma Stone
Melissa McCarthy
Leslie Jones
Rashida Jones
8. RIP Stanley Donen. The early-Hollywood great was well known for directing films:
That featured a lot of dancing
That featured cowboys
The featured World War II battles
That featured Humphrey Bogart
9. In the continued wars against insecure, pinhead trolls, this site will no longer allow comments for movies before they are released:
Rotten Tomatoes
10. New on the small screen is ABC's spy comedy/drama Whiskey Cavalier, starring Scott Foley and Lauren Cohan. While Foley was recently on the Grey's Anatomy cast, alert viewers remember Cohan as a member of this show's ensemble:
Game of Thrones
The Big Bang Theory
The Walking Dead

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