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How Well Do You Know: 2/18/19-2/24/19
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1. Let's start in college basketball, where you may have heard about the Duke-UNC game this week. The matchup, which made major news about 30 seconds into the game, resulted in:
A Duke win at home
A UNC win at home
A Duke win on the road
A UNC win on the road
2. The landscape of college basketball might have been altered permanently when Zion Williamson - wearing this NBA star's signature Nikes - pretty much exploded just after tipoff
Paul George
Kevin Durant
Kawhi Leonard
Steph Curry
3. There were more oddities this week. Which SEC team ended up losing by a single point by suffering a technical foul because a fan threw a stuffed animal onto the court with less than a second left in the game?
Mississippi State
4. Later in the week, this of the aforementioned teams gave up a foul with less than a second in overtime and ended up losing by two points:
Mississippi State
5. And some high quality hoops played out in the Wolverine State, where #7 Michigan and #10 Michigan State played to a:
Wolverine win at home
Spartan win at home
Wolverine win on the road
Spartan win on the road
6. In grown man basketball, the Knicks finally put the home demons to bed, knocking off this team to end their MSG losing streak at 18 games:
The Thunder
The Mavs
The Spurs
The Clippers
7. Downside: Russell Westbrook's record triple-double streak ended in a game this week. Upside: Westbrook's Thunder won in two overtimes, prevailing over:
Golden State
8. In baseball, Manny Machado's bringing his swagger and overrated stats to play ball for the:
9. In Olympics news, answering the dream of perhaps dozens of people, this sport is among the new events proposed for the 2024 games:
Slack line walking
Bungee jumping
Break dancing
10. And, oopsies! This NFL owner was apparently busted for solicitation in Florida this week:
Jimmy Haslam
Robert Kraft
Arthur Blank
Mike Brown

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