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How Well Do You Know: 11/23/18-11/29/18
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1. New at the Movies, Part 1: Jennifer, Jodi, Paige, Anika, Mandy, Idina and Auli'i. These women all played a significant role in Thanksgiving opener Ralph Breaks the Internet. How were they involved?
The financed it
They wrote it
They played roles originally played by men
They played princesses
2. At the Movies, Part 2: Also new at the box office for the Thanksgiving weekend was Creed II. This being a part of the Rocky franchise, it seems necessary that Sylvester Stallone was involved in the film, right?
Right, but he co-starred in it only
Yep, he co-starred and wrote it
Sure, he co-starred, wrote and directed it
Nope. He had nothing to do with Creed II
3. Let's pour one out for Bernardo Bertolucci, Italian director of this famously controversial film:
Last Tango in Paris
I Am Curious (Yellow)
Fritz the Cat
4. Also moving on to the Great Animation Studio in the Sky is Stephen Hillenburg. Before his passing, his name may not have rung a bell, but you're most certainly familiar with his most famous creation:
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Spongebob Squarepants
The Rugrats
5. And we're particularly saddened at the loss of Ricky Jay, who in addition to being an actor, was also an acclaimed:
Saxophone player
Children's television host
6. Firmly on the radar of bookologists everywhere is The Testaments, the recently-announced sequel to this much-discussed novel:
The Martian
Big Little Lies
Gone Girl
The Handmaid's Tale
7. No, The Martian did not get a sequel this week, but the red planet was in the news with the landing of the InSight probe, which bore a chip reading "_________ Since 1986." The name of which band fills in the blank?
Pearl Jam
Green Day
8. Holy s#it. I just remembered I was in Twilight. Which of the landmark vampire movies' stars tweeted the remembrance this week on the film's 10th anniversary?
Robert Pattinson
Kristen Stewart
Taylor Lautner
Anna Kendrick
9. If you're this famous musical producer, then you opened your checkbook in a big way this week, ponying up part of the $750,000 fine to settle a digital coin scandal:
DJ Khaled
Calvin Harris
10. And Netflix continues to bore its way into every corner of your consciousness, with two new Christmas releases. He plays Santa in The Christmas Chronicles, while she plays the princess in The Princess Switch
Vin Diesel / Natalie Portman
Dennis Quaid / Elisha Cuthbert
Kurt Russell / Vanessa Hudgens
Tom Selleck / Selena Gomez

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