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How Well Do You Know: 11/9/18-11/15/18
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1. New at the Cinema, Part 1: Because the studio's demands were not met, audiences got yet another film about the Grinch. The Oscar nominee supplies the voice of the green holiday villain:
Willem Dafoe
Woody Harrelson
Christian Bale
Benedict Cumberbatch
2. New at the Cinema, Part 2: Those looking for a war/horror crossover were served by Overlord, which takes place during this conflict:
US Civil War
Gulf War
Vietnam War
World War II
3. New at the Cinema, Part 3: And Lisbeth Salander fans delighted in The Girl in the Spider's Web, with the lead role played by the actress best known from her TV role as:
A female prisoner
A staff member of the US Vice President
A woman who fights zombies
A Queen of England
4. While new films hit the multiplex, new trailers hit the internet. Toy Story 4's first spot gave a first look at new characters Bunny and Ducky, voiced by this famous duo:
Penn and Teller
Murray and Aykroyd
Fey and Poehler
Key and Peele
5. Tim Burton's take on this Disney classic had its first trailer drop this week:
Snow White
6. Meanwhile, the first teaser for Ryan Reynolds next project - one in which he supplies the voice of a _______________ - were released:
Football player
Construction worker
7. As Reynold's Detective Pikachu nears its opening, we got word that Deadpool 2 will be re-released in a PG-13 version, including scenes of Reynods reading a story to this actor, recalling the latter's first screen role:
Vin Diesel
Ryan Gosling
James Franco
Fred Savage
8. We seriously had no idea that Meg "Formerly America's Sweetheart" Ryan and this rock star were dating, let alone getting engaged, which they did this week:
Richard Max
Rod Stewart
Rick Astley
John Mellencamp
9. And we'll finish up with two RIPs. Leaving us this week was Shakespearean actor Douglas Rain, whose most significant contribution to pop culture was lending his voice to this cinematic hardware:
10. And you must have been seriously hiding yourself away if you have not learned yet the Marvel maven Stan Lee died this week. As far as we can tell, the only one of the following iconic comic book figures that Lee was not directly involved in creating was:
Iron Man
Captain America

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