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How Well Do You Know: 11/2/18-11/8/18
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1. At the movies, audiences flocked to see a long-overdue film about this band and its ultra-charismatic lead singer:
Lynyrd Skynyrd
The Rolling Stones
2. Reportedly doing a bang-up job as Queen's Freddie Mercury is the actor best known from the lead role in this cable series:
Mr. Robot
Sons of Anarchy
3. More news about movies and cable? Okey-doke. A project long, long, long delayed, production finally started on the film based on this beloved HBO series:
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Band of Brothers
The Sopranos
4. More movie news! Meanwhile, a sequel to this Oscar winner of some years ago is also in the works:
The Hurt Locker
5. Moving from big screen to small is this movie actress, appearing in Amazon Prime's new series Homecoming:
Cate Blanchett
Hilary Swank
Julia Roberts
Jennifer Lawrence
6. The MTV EMAs featured this woman not only hosting, but performing, in a bit of self-promotion for her upcoming Transformers film Bumblebee, as she sang inside a "vehicle" made by more than 20 dancers:
Anna Kendrick
Selena Gomez
Miley Cyrus
Hailee Steinfeld
7. A Man on a Magazine: Say hey to People's Sexiest Man Alive:
Zac Effron
Idris Elba
Chris Hemsworth
Henry Cavill
8. A Man in Trouble: This often in-the-news actor went and got himself arrested in a dispute about a parking spot:
Ben Affleck
Kevin Spacey
Hugh Jackman
Alec Baldwin
9. A Man Who Wan't There: Kevin Spacey didn't get into a traffic squabble, but he sort of made news through his absence. Netflix launched the final season of House of Cards having kicked Spacey off the cast, which leads this woman now in the main role:
Marcia Gay Harden
Allison Janney
Robin Wright
Claire Danes
10. The Woman Who Won't Be There: The Spice Girls confirmed their reunion. They also confirmed that it will be without this original member of the group:
Mel......well, let's just say one of the Mels

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