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How Well Do You Know: 10/19/18-10/25/18
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1. Break out your horror movie countin' fingers. The Halloween film that opened last weekend was number ________ in the franchise:
2. Get on your feet for this lady, who received the Mark Twain prize for American Humor last weekend:
Wanda Sykes
Tina Fey
Lily Tomlin
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
3. Doctor Who aired an episode about someone trying to destroy Earth's Civil Rights movements. The episode took its name from this leader, who figured into the storyline:
Martin Luther King, Jr
Rosa Parks
Malcolm X
4. Meanwhile, civil rights were reportedly on the mind of this performer, who we learned this week turned down an offer to perform at the half time of the Super Bowl in support of sidelined quarterback Colin Kaepernick:
Lady Gaga
5. And this actress buried her pregnancy announcement at the bottom of a list of political endorsements:
Miley Cyrus
Amy Poehler
Jennifer Lawrence
Amy Shumer
6. Daredevil began its new season on Netflix, the channel recently cancelled these fellow Marvel projects it had aired:
Jessica Jones and Luke Cage
Jessica Jones and Iron Fist
Luke Cage and Iron Fist
Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist
7. I hate the Drake. The Canadian music star set the record for most US top 10 hits in a single year. Whose record did Drake beat?
Michael Jackson
The Beatles
Mariah Carey
8. This Friends star had to issue an alibi, after a thief in England was spotted bearing an uncanny likeness to him/her:
Lisa Kudrow
Matt LeBlanc
David Schwimmer
Matthew Perry
9. As Halloween approaches, this burger joint dares you to take them up on their truly horrifying-looking menu creation, the Nightmare Burger:
Burger King
Five Guys
10. And finally, we check in with Forbes, which has published that the four highest paid actors on TV are all from this show, which you may have heard of:
Modern Family
The Big Bang Theory
The Walking Dead

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