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How Well Do You Know: 10/8/18-10/14/18
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1. It's generally not advisable to fire your GM just a few days before the start of the NBA season. Try telling that to this bunch:
2. And now, baseball, where this team had its pitchers commit just three errors all year, until they made three E's in one game this week:
New York
Los Angeles
3. This team had a player hit for the cycle in the postseason for the very first time in MLB's storied history:
The Red Sox
The Dodgers
The Brewers
The Astros
4. And with its postseason now over, this team has officially retired its longtime logo:
New York
5. This athlete famous for his exploits off this pitch made his soccer debut this week, scoring two goals in his first game:
Michael Phelps
Steph Curry
Dwayne Johnson
Usain Bolt
6. If you were a top 10 college football team that wasn't handed an L on Saturday, please step forward:
West Virginia
7. It's bad if your team's quarterback finishes the game with only 10 completions. It's *really* bad if he finishes that same game having been sacked 11 times. That quarterback was:
Brock Osweiler
Baker Mayfield
Marcus Mariota
Cam Newton
8. This NFL division entered Week 5 without a single team over .500:
AFC South
AFC North
NFC East
NFC West
9. Thanks to a game played on this field, the number of teams still undefeated has been cut to 1:
Mile High
Arrowhead Stadium
The Coliseum
Gillette Stadium
10. And this team's D gave up 208 yards to a single rusher Sunday:

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