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How Well Do You Know: 9/28/18-10/4/18
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1. Let's start with some gaming news. The "Odyssey" edition of this franchise debuted this week:
Call of Duty
Assassin's Creed
Grand Theft Auto
2. Meanwhile, the next movie based on a video game will apparently be:
Guitar Hero
Pokemon Go
Mario Kart
Dance Dance Revolution
3. Rumors swirled this week that this business, having declared bankruptcy and closing its doors, may potentially be reopening:
Toys R Us
Circuit City
Radio Shack
4. The actor behind this well-known character hosted the season premiere of Saturday Night Live this week:
Michael Scott
Lucas Hobbs
Kylo Ren
Jason Bourne
5. Stick to your daytime TV job: This TV host served as moderator in the Pennsylvania gubernatorial debate. It....didn't go well:
Pat Sajak
Dr. Phil
Alex Trebek
Or. Oz
6. Already an innovative and engrossing series, the next season of this Netflix franchise will feature a choose-your-own-adventure episode:
Stranger Things
Black Mirror
Altered Carbon
The 100
7. Netflix continues to be busy busy by also acquiring the rights to develop this fantasy franchise for its channel:
Dragonriders of Pern
Chronicles of Narnia
The Dark Tower
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
8. Your nerd friends who have lots and lots and lots of time to read most likely flipped out at the news that Wheel of Time has been picked up for development by Amazon. Name the author if this very, very, very long fantasy series:
Robert Jordan
Robert R. McCammon
Peter Straub
Richard Matheson
9. Audiences continued to marvel at Christian Bale is nearly unrecognizable as this US Veep in the trailer for Vice:
Joe Biden
Dick Cheney
Spiro Agnew
Al Gore
10. And in your weekly NBA star/detective fiction crossover news, this basketball legend released his latest novel, Mycroft and Sherlock:
Larry Bird
Magic Johnson
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Michael Jordan

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