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How Well Do You Know: 9/14/18-9/20/18
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1. At the Emmys, this comedy came raked in the trophies, with awards for series, directing, writing and lead and supporting actress:
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Big Bang Theory
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
2. On the dramatic side of the dial, this show was awarded the Best Dramatic Series Emmy, among others. Perhaps you have heard of it:
This Is Us
Game of Thrones
Blue Bloods
3. "Kids! Jed, Zoe and Max, you can go to bed now! Daddy won!" This television veteran joyously addressed his children - the youngest being 35 - winning his first Emmy after decades on the screen and 6 nominations
Tom Selleck
William H. Macy
Alan Alda
Henry Winkler
4. Also at the Emmys - Surprise On-Stage _____________!
Award refusal
1980s sitcom reunion
Series cancellation
5. Everything very, very, very old is new again: this classic rock chestnut somehow found himself with his first #1 album in 36 years this week:
Paul McCartney
Eric Clapton
Bob Dylan
Bruce Springsteen
6. TV trailer: Leaving its cutesy comic roots far behind, Netflix unveiled an attention-grabbing preview of its update on everyone's favorite teenage witch, The _________ Adventures of Sabrina:
7. Movie trailer: This redhead headlines Mary Poppins Returns, whose trailer dropped this week and which looks to make big bucks come holiday time:
Emily Blunt
Bryce Dallas Howard
Amy Adams
Jessica Chastain
8. Movie more: As she crash landed into a Blockbuster no longer near you, Marvel debuted its first trailer for Captain Marvel, featuring the woman who won Best Actress for this film:
La La Land
Silver Linings Playbook
Black Swan
9. If you're this musical act, you'd better get to practicin', as you were announced at February's Super Bowl halftime number:
Panic! At the Disco
Shawn Mendes
Maroon 5
Backstreet Boys
10. All you mon-stars are gonna get what's coming to you, as the long, long-awaited sequel to Space Jam was announced this week, featuring this basketball great in the lead role:
Kobe Bryant
Stephen Curry
LeBron James
James Harden

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