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How Well Do You Know: 8/17/18-8/23/18
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1. TV, Departures: Fans of the lovably schlocky Sharknado franchise said farewell to the series, but not before SyFy aired one final installment, which, of course, incorporated:
Quantum physics
Reality TV
Interplanetary sharks
Time travel
2. TV, Departures (Part 2): Somewhat unforeseen was the news that this long, long, long-running series will end after its upcoming season:
Law and Order: SVU
American Dad
The Big Bang Theory
3. TV, Returning: Our Kristen Bell-loving hearts were gladdened at the news that a new Veronica Mars series is being developed by this non-network entity:
4. New at the movies was family-friendly flick Alpha, which traces the roots of this now-familiar type of dog:
5. Meanwhile, blink and you'll miss the theatrical engagement of Millionaire Boy's Club, which took in a whopping $126 on its opening day, largely due to the stigma attached to its star:
Aziz Ansari
Louis CK
Kevin Spacey
Quentin Tarantino
6. Our demands were not met, so here come a bunch of questions about the VMAs:

MTV's ceremony was marred by this star being afforded the opportunity to do an Aretha Franklin tribute, but managed do deliver a rambling speech all about herself:
Miley Cyrus
Lady Gaga
7. If you are the recipient of this year's Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, then we say congratulations, Ms. or Mr.:
Boy George
Elton John
Jennifer Lopez
Paula Abdul
8. And Video of the Year went - in an upset, or so we're told - to:
The Carters
Childish Gambino
Camila Cabello
9. Fortunes in the eternal struggle for album supremacy changed yet again this week, as this band's Greatest Hits once again topped Michael Jackson's Thriller as the highest-selling album ever:
Rolling Stones
The Who
The Beatles
The Eagles
10. And finally, if you are this rapper, you're counting your hip-hoppin' lucky stars, as you survived an emergency landing after your plane blew out its landing gear upon take-off this week:
Post Malone
Kendrick Lamar

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