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How Well Do You Know: 8/3/18-8/9/18
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1. If you're this writer, then a movie based on your works debuted at the cineplex this weekend:
J.K. Rowling
A.A. Milne
Dr. Seuss
J.R.R. Tolkien
2. Meanwhile, she's the "Me" in the newly-released The Spy Who Dumped Me:
Dakota Johnson
Mila Kunis
Jessica Biel
Cameron Diaz
3. If you've been yearning for a certain former Star Trek captain to return for a new installment in the franchise, then s/he has made it so:
William Shatner
Patrick Stewart
Kate Mulgrew
Avery Brooks
4. If you're an action star who has been named Special Enjoy to the United States by Russia, then, comrade, please raise your hand:
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Steven Seagal
Jet Li
Chuck Norris
5. In the pop culture/real estate story you've all been following, Lance Bass though he had won the bidding for the home featured in this classic sitcom, until HGTV swooped in at the last minute to claim the property:
Leave It to Beaver
The Dick van Dyke Show
The Beverly Hillbillies
The Brady Bunch
6. And speaking of classic TV, Hollywood was saddened at the passing of Charlotte Rae, housemother on this 80s favorite:
The Facts of Life
Who's the Boss
Charles in Charge
The Wonder Years
7. In news that no one saw coming, the Academy decided to greatly shake up the Oscars by introducing a head-scratching award for Achievement in _________ Film:
8. This band descended on its ancestral city of Seattle for what it has dubbed its "Home Shows" series of concerts:
Pearl Jam
Green Day
Alice in Chains
9. As good news is in really, really, really short supply lately, we hope you caught the bit about the famous actor who paid for a woman's groceries, not knowing she was a widow in serious need of a break:
Fifty Cent
Kendrick Lamar
10. And because of parallel between her personal past and that of the character, butt-kicking actress Ruby Rose is super stoked to have been named to play this comic heroine:

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