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How Well Do You Know: 7/13/18-7/19/18
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1. People who like to argue about this kind of thing like to argue that this is a Christmas movie. At his roast this week, an actor central to the film said it's definitely not a Christmas movie:
Love Actually
Die Hard
Home Alone
2. Those of us who remember days of yore remember when these stores were a preeminent feature of the commercial landscape. As of Sunday, there is a single store left:
Toys R Us
Radio Shack
Circuit City
3. And speaking of really old things, this classic video surpasses the YouTube record with more than a billion views:
Nivrana's Smells Like Teen Spirit
Aerosmith's Crazy
Britney Spears' Hit Me Baby One More Time
Guns N' Roses' November Rain
4. In movies, she pulled out of the lead for the upcoming film Rub & Tug, following backlash of her being signed to play a transgender man:
Amy Adams
Jennifer Lawrence
Scarlett Johansson
Emily Blunt
5. Some serious punking is in store on Who Is America, Showtime's controversial new series starring this conventional comedian:
Sacha Baron Cohen
Donald Glover
Dave Chappelle
Louis CK
6. At the box office, Dwayne Johnson's new action flick Skyscraper opened with a decidedly _________ debut with ________
Stupendous / $168 million
Encouraging / $98 million
Meh / $59 million
Disappointing / $25 million
7. As Skyscraper stumbled, Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation won the weekend with $44 million. Quick, pick the person listed below not among the series' regular cast:
Adam Sandler
Kevin James
James Franco
Selena Gomez
8. DC comics fans who have been waiting a long time for a Birds of Prey movie may finally be getting their wish, as a film version was announced this week. This well-known female from outside the BoP will be joining the ladies:
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Wonder Woman
9. Suits returned this week. The long-running legal drama looks to fill its Marklelessness by bringing this TV veteran actress into the fold:
Katherine Heigl
Jennifer Garner
Rachel Bilson
Laura Prepon
10. And just when you thought things couldn't. get. any. better., this singer took a cue from recent events to announce she's recording an entire album of ABBA covers:
Alanis Morissette
Celine Dion
Kylie Minogue

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