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How Well Do You Know: 7/6/18-7/12/18
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1. Emmys, Part 1: In something of an upset, perennial champ HBO did not get the most nominations as of Thursday's announcement. Which network got the most nods?
2. Emmys, Part 2: Despite HBO being dethroned, the network's juggernaut Game of Thrones was the most-nominated show, right? Right??!?
Nope, the most-nominated show was This Is Us
No, Stranger Things was #1
Incorrectamundo, Westworld came out on top
3. Emmys, Part 3: On the lighter side, the most-nominated comedy series is:
Silicon Valley
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
4. Movies open all the time. Last weekend was no exception. One of the new releases included the name of this insect in its title:
5. Meanwhile, this franchise took horror fans through the wayback machine to see how the madness all began:
Final Destination
6. Beliebers of all walks of life likely rent their hair at the news that pop star Justin became engaged to a member of this famous entertainment family:
7. The music gods dealt a cruel hand this week, as this rock legend had to cancel tour dates as he or she recovers from throat surgery:
Ann Wilson
Elvis Costello
Bruce Springsteen
Paul Stanley
8. Notre Dame stadium, which has been known to host a football game or two, will be the site of a music act for the first time ever this fall. Which country act gets the honors?
Dixie Chicks
Garth Brooks
Blake Shelton
Kenny Chesney
9. truTV, the network you frequent during March Madness and then never ever again for the rest of the year, launched a new gameshow called Paid Off. The show's premise is that the winners get what paid off?
Car loans
Student loans
Alimony payments
10. And finally, in This Week in Pop Culture Motor Scooters news, this famous actor had to be rushed to the hospital after getting in an accident involving his motorbike:
George Clooney
Shia LaBeouf
Daniel Craig
Jack Nicholson

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