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How Well Do You Know: 6/15/18-6/21/18
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1. Be careful with your money when you're rich and famous, kids. Just ask this actor who recounted to Rolling Stone how most of the more than $650 million he's made from his movies is gone:
Harrison Ford
Johnny Depp
Keanu Reeves
Robert Downey, Jr.
2. With many sequels going ker-splat when the hit theaters, The Incredibles 2 bucked the trend Brad Bird. The follow-up to Pixar's superhero treat raked in about this much in its opening weekend:
$100 million
$80 million
$125 million
$180 million
3. This is not the first name of one of the Parr family in The Incredibles 2:
4. Meanwhile, in somewhat unpredictable fashion, this person's talk show wrapped very quietly and suddenly:
Jerry Springer
Ellen Degeneres
Steve Harvey
Wendy Williams
5. Quiet doesn't exactly describe the week of Chris Hardwick, against whom allegations of rather horrible abuse were leveled by his girlfriend. Hardwick appears to have lost his hosting gig for this program's after-show:
Game of Thrones
The Bachelor
Walking Dead
The Real Housewives
6. Not one to stay idle for long, Oprah has signed on the dotted line to develop content with this outlet:
7. Russia hosts World Cup. Singer is invited to perform at opening ceremonies. Singer flips the bird during the broadcast. Who is said singer?
Sam Smith
Adam Levine
Robbie Williams
Noel Gallagher
8. Surprise! Joint Album! She released a surprise joint album "Everything Is Love" with her significant other this week:
Faith Hill
Gwen Stefani
9. Having gone back to the well with the successful relaunch of Will and Grace, the Peacock is looking to bring this sitcom favorite of yore back to the small screen:
30 Rock
The Office
10. Superhero acknowledges real hero: This action star presented the trophy s/he had just won at the MTV Movie & TV Awards to Waffle House hero James Shaw, Jr.:
Gal Gadot
Chris Evans
Chadwick Boseman
Chris Pratt
11. The name XXXTentacion was in the news this week. Who or what is XXXTentacion?
A new smartphone launched by Samsung
A new album released by Miley Cyrus
A rapper who was slain
A new pop-culture convention held in Chicago
12. And finally, a sad farewell to Koko, and animal of this species whose mastery of a certain skill turned it into a pop-culture staple for decades:

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