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How Well Do You Know: 6/11/18-6/17/18
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1. You must know the country hosting the World Cup, right? Right??!?!?
Sure, it's Egypt
Of course, it's Russia
Yep, it's Italy
2. Host (spoiler alert) Russia had, as they say, a easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy time in the first game of the Cup, to the tune of a 5-0 victory over:
Saudi Arabia
3. This pre-tournament favorite employed the odd strategy of firing its coach just days before the World Cup started:
4. And this team won its opening game thanks largely to video replay which awarded it a penalty shot:
5. We at OPJ just don't get golf* so we barely paid attention enough to know that the weekend's US Open was played on this state's soil:
South Carolina
New York
6. *but we do know enough about golf to know that this chucklehead, who brazenly cheated during the third round and laughed it off, is a dweeby tool-bro:
Phil Mickelson
Tiger Woods
Sergio Garcia
Rickie Fowler
7. Anyhoo, he won the Open:
Brooks Koepka
Dustin Johnson
Patrick Reed
Tommy Fleetwood
8. The most interesting thing about baseball this season are the injuries. Fans of intriguing pitchers were dismayed to learn that he is in need of Tommy John, and might miss the majority of the next two seasons:
Max Scherzer
Shohei Otani
Justin Verlander
Cory Kluber
9. Meanwhile, kids, don't go rupturing your bicep tendon, or you'll miss the rest of your season. Don't believe us? Just ask this slugger:
Carlos Gonzalez
Mike Trout
Mookie Betts
Miguel Cabrera
10. And finally, looking back through the mists of history, you may remember NFL running back Reggie Bush. This week, Bush won a $12.5 million lawsuit against this team, in whose stadium he suffered an injury in 2015:
Tampa Bay
New Orleans
St. Louis

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