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How Well Do You Know: 6/1/18-6/7/18
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1. Let's start with some RIPs: 98 year-old Jerry Maren, last surviving ___________ died this week:
Founder of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Cast member of Gone with the Wind
Munchkin from Wizard of Oz
Animator from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2. If you hadn't heard of Kate Spade prior to this week, you're likely aware of her following her suicide, which especially shocked the world of _________ in which she was very influential:
Children's books
3. Break out your countin' fingers: word came out this week that the follow up to Patty Jenkins/Gal Gadot Wonder Woman movie will include this year in its title:
4. News of Things that No Longer Are, Part 1: The remake of The Crow has apparently been scrapped, as this week the film's director and its star, this action actor, left the project:
Jason Momoa
Jason Statham
Chris Pratt
Keanu Reeves
5. News of Things that No Longer Are, Part 2: The Miss America Pageant is, apparently, no longer a pageant. Also, as of this week, it will no longer feature:
Talent competition
Swimsuit competition
6. Now, let's head to the trailer park, where the first teaser for Ralph Breaks the Internet delivers a glimpse at the promised getting together of various Disney:
7. Also introduced this week is the directed-by-and-starring Bradley Cooper remake of A Star Is Born. The Star in the title will be played by this singer, who you may have heard of:
Miley Cyrus
Lady Gaga
Carrie Underwood
Demi Lovato
8. Kanye West released his new album this week. You're welcome, world. To spell the name of the album, you just need these two letters:
W and E
X and E
I and E
Y and E
9. If you're a mugger who was tackled by the actor who plays an on-screen crime fighter, that means you had a Brush with Greatness with:
Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays Sherlock Holmes
Robert Downey, Jr., who also plays Sherlock Holmes
Clint Eastwood, who plays Dirty Harry
Bruce Willis, who plays John McClane
10. And finally, answering the prayers of possibly dozens of people, former US President Bill Clinton has written a novel. For The President Is Missing, Clinton teamed up with this prolific author:
Dan Brown
EL James
Dean Koontz
James Patterson

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