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How Well Do You Know: 5/11/18-5/17/18
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1. TV Week, Part 1: As renewals and cancellations roiled TV land this week, this animated series received a whopping 70-episode renewal:
Hap and Leonard
Rick and Morty
American Dad
South Park
2. TV Week, Part 2: Meanwhile, its very, very enthusiastic army of fans raised all sorts of heck when this cop show was cancelled:
Chicago PD
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Law & Order: SVU
Blue Bloods
3. TV Week, Part 2: But the Nine Nine was not for very long, as this network swooped in an picked up Andy Samberg's show not long after Fox announced it was cancelled:
4. TV Week, Part 4: With USA's Suits winding down, USA announced its Gina Torres-led spinoff. If you know the upcoming series's subtitle and a thing or two about US city nicknames, you'll be able to noodle out that it's set in:
New Orleans
5. Old and busted: Arguments over the color of a dress. New hotness: Debates about whether your heard Laurel or this other name:
6. This week's RIPs include a nod to New Journalism pioneer Tom Wolfe, whose most famous novel was adapted into this Oscar-nominated film:
The Right Stuff
The Deer Hunter
Taxi Driver
Ordinary People
7. Also passing on this week was the talent behind this character in the Christopher Reeve 1978 Superman film:
Lex Luthor
Perry White
Lois Lane
8. Ryan Reynolds's worldwide whirlwind promotion tour for Deadpool 2 led him to crash this late night host's monologue, in costume:
James Corden
Stephen Colbert
Jimmy Fallon
Seth Meyers
9. In more superhero pop culture news, Gotham will have its own spinoff, with this one apparently based on this character from the Batman universe:
Selina Kyle
Alfred Pennyworth
Barbara Gordon
Dick Grayson
10. And meanwhile, on the heels of Janelle Monae's sexually charged Dirty Computer, this singer's exploration of bisexuality in her song Girls have led some to suggest the song is laden with stereotypes:
Kelly Clarkson
Rita Ora

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