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How Well Do You Know: 4/20/18-4/26/18
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1. I'm Outta Here, RIP Edition: Part 1: Bob Dorough, jazz musician who helped create this education/entertainment series decades ago, died this week at 94:
Electric Company
Reading Rainbow
Schoolhouse Rock
Sesame Street
2. I'm Outta Here, RIP Edition: Part 2: The music world was saddened at the far-too-young passing of Swedish producer and DJ Tim Bergling, better known as:
Danger Mouse
3. I'm Outta Here, RIP Edition: Part 3: And we also bade farewell to Verne Troyer. Unforgettable in his role as Mini Me in the Austin Powers films, Troyer also appeared in this other film series:
Lord of the Rings
Hunger Games
The Fast and the Furious
Harry Potter
4. I'm Outta Here, TV Edition: Part 1: This show that brought surprise after surprise that viewers. just. couldn't. believe. had its final episode this week:
How to Get Away With Murder
Designated Survivor
Pretty Little Liars
5. I'm Outta Here, TV Edition: Part 2: As the SLW staff still await our tickets for next month's royal wedding to come in the mail, princess-to-be Meghan Markle ended her run as Rachel Zane on this cable show:
The Walking Dead
The Americans
6. Keen on Trump, Part 1: We're not sure why it was such a surprise or such big news, but this country artist, who hasn't been heard from much for many, many moons, disclosed this week that s/he would have voted for Donald Trump if eligible:
Kellie Pickler
Garth Brooks
Darius Rucker
Shania Twain
7. Keen on Trump, Part 2: While country artists tend to be a bit more on the conservative end of the scale, when this rap artist said good things about the, that did catch people by surprise:
Kanye West
Dr. Dre
Kendrick Lamar
8. In one of the odder entertainment news stories of the year, actress Allison Mack has posted $5 million bond after being arrested for her involvement in a sex cult. Mack is best known from appearing on this superhero TV show:
Lois and Clark
Birds of Prey
9. As details of the Mack case continued to emerge, it came to light that one of the targets for recruitment into the cult was this well-known actress:
Kristen Bell
Emma Watson
Amy Adams
Jennifer Lawrence
10. And finally, this long-running animated show has been catching hell lately for its alleged stereotypical depiction of one of its supporting Asian characters:
The Simpsons
Family Guy
South Park

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