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How Well Do You Know: 4/16/18-4/22/18
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1. Monday brought Patriots Day to Boston, and Patriots Day brought chilly and very west weather to the Boston Marathon. Runners from these two countries won the race in the Men's and Women's division, respectively:
Kenya and Nigeria
Japan and USA
USA and Ethiopia
France and UK
2. With the island still struggling from last year's hurricanes, MLB sent two teams from this division to play some games in Puerto Rico:
AL Central
AL West
NL East
NL Central
3. Meanwhile, this baseball organization decided a few weeks into the season was soon enough to make a big change, so they axed their manager:
Chicago White Sox
4. The Red Sox were looking pretty mighty, having lost two games all season....until they rode into town against this West Coast two, who not only beat the Sox twice, but also recorded the season's first no-hitter:
5. Over in hockey, this team was the first to advance to the second round:
6. Actor Patrick Warburton, who played Puddy on this sitcom, went to the wayback machine, showing up at the Devils' playoff game with his face painted as he did in a famous episode of the show:
Two and a Half Men
How I Met Your Mother
7. While the NFL draft is taking. for. ever. to. get. here., this famous football star acquired a stake in the horse that bear his name ahead of the Kentucky Derby:
Rob Gronkowski
Dez Bryant
Ben Roethlisberger
Aaron Rodgers
8. ESPN is searching and searching for a color man to replace Jon Gruden in the MNF booth. The Worldwide Leader called in this famous former QB for a try-out. By all accounts, it really, really, really did not go well:
Peyton Manning
John Elway
Brett Favre
Bernie Kosar
9. The League announced its schedule for the upcoming season. with a decent slate of games schedule for Thanksgiving, this team won't be among those playing on Turkey Day:
San Diego
10. And finally, a quick check of the NBA playoffs shows that, as of Sunday night, all series are still going, aside from one. Which is the only team that swept their first round opponent?
New Orleans
Golden State

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