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How Well Do You Know: 4/13/18-4/19/18
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1. Let's start this week with RIPs. Fans of 1980s sitcoms felt the loss of actor/magician Harry Anderson, best known from his work on:
Night Court
Head of the Class
Too Close for Comfort
2. Heading to the Great Movie Set in the Sky is Milos Forman, directing great who won Oscars for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the biopic of this historical figure:
Lawrence of Arabia
3. And R. Lee Ermey, Oscar nominee for his portrayal as tough-as-nails gunnery sergeant Hartman in this war movie, turned in his dogtags at age 74:
Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now
Saving Private Ryan
4. Singers in the News: The First Thing: People's Magazine's Beautiful Issue features this woman on the cover:
Taylor Swift
Dua Lipa
Selena Gomez
5. Singers in the News: The Second Thing: This singer has been decidedly out of the limelight for several months, after some kind of accident had some kind of effect on her face. She finally appeared at the ACM awards this week:
Carrie Underwood
Faith Hill
Shanaia Twain
Kacey Musgraves
6. Singers in the News: The Third Thing: "Thank you for allowing me to be the first black woman to headline Coachella," she told the crowd, become - yup, you guessed it - the first black woman to headline Coachella:
Cardi B
Lauryn Hill
7. If you are like the SLW staff, you were again unjustly passed over for a Pulitzer this week. Not so an impresario in this form of music, whose Pulitzer win brought about a wave of both detractors and enthusiasts:
Classic rock
8. Billy Mitchell, whose exploits on this classic arcade game were the subject of a film some 11 years ago, has come under scrutiny as he is accused of setting his records using illegal hardware:
Pac Man
Donkey Kong
Space Invaders
9. This comedic actor spent time in the hospital after surviving a scary two-car accident:
Jonah Hill
Chris Pratt
Kevin Hill
Will Ferrell
10. And finally, just because you'd least expect it, this atypical figure appears to be writing a philosophy book via twitter, posting his/her ruminations one tweet at a time:
Kanye West
Keanu Reeves
Lady Gaga
Nicolas Cage

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