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How Well Do You Know: 3/23/18-3/29/18
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1. This week was positively brimming with mysterious happenings. Pop Culture Mystery #1: The current issue of Paste magazine shows this well-known figure, nearly unrecognizable without makeup:

Who the heck are we looking at here?
Carrie Underwood
Sarah Jessica Parker
Christina Aguilera
Dakota Fanning
2. Pop Culture Mystery #2: Meanwhile, the entertainment maelstrom that is Tiffany Haddish floated a story about an unnamed actress biting - yes, *biting* - a famous signer following a performance. Who is the singer that was chomped?
3. Pop Culture Mystery #3: Gonzo actor says he was stabbed in Los Angeles during an attempt on his life. Police says there are no lacerations. Actor refines story to say, it must have been a syringe. Who may or may not (we're leaning toward the latter here) been stabbed?
Tobey Maguire
Shia LeBeouf
Mike Myers
Corey Feldman
4. On Broadway, Part 1: The Great White Way welcomes a musical version of this Disney film, which you may have heard of:
Wreck-It Ralph
The Princess and the Frog
5. On Broadway, Part 2: Coming soon to Broadway will be a production based on the family behind this 1980s classic:
Back to the Future
National Lampoon's Vacation
Home Alone
Pretty in Pink
6. If you're tired with reading ordinary, non-insane books, then take a whack at Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff, a new novel by this actor that is getting savaged in reviews:
Clint Eastwood
Billy Bob Thornton
Alec Baldwin
Sean Penn
7. If you are this rapper who was sentenced to a year in prison for tax fraud, then please step forward and enjoy your time in the Big House:
Reverend Run
MC Hammer
8. It may be curtains for this Marvel mainstay, as the actor/actress behind the character has signaled a desire to move on from the iconic part:
Iron Man
Captain America
Black Widow
9. You may be dimly - or not at all - aware of who Byron Allen is, but the incognito entertainment mogul has amassed more than the $300 million necessary to buy this cable channel this week:
Weather Channel
Comedy Central
10. And HBO this week debuted its new series Barry, starring the terrific Bill Hader as an aspiring actor who regularly works as a:

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