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How Well Do You Know: 3/16/18-3/22/18
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1. You want to talk viral? Let's get viral. Everyone on the internet reacted with a mixture of delight and horror at the pictures of this Hollywood bigshot's very large, indescribably awful back tattoo:
Christian Bale
Matt Damon
Ben Affleck
Russell Crowe
2. Later in the week, we were treated to a video of a female Japanese television host consume a whole mound of this foodstuff in about three seconds, leaving her male counterpart in her dust:
Cotton candy
Peanut butter
Hot dogs
Jelly beans
3. The SLW staff still doesn't quite understand Twitch, which makes us feel old and not with it when we read that over 600,000 watched the stream of this famous music star playing a video game:
Snoop Dogg
Harry Styles
4. And pour out some catnip for one of the internet OGs, as Bento, a cat who became famous doing this in a YouTube video, died at age 9 this week:
Playing a keyboard
Chasing a laser beam
Using a toilet
Playing with yarn
5. Also debuting is Station 19, a firefighter show which you may or may not realize is a spin-off of this current series:
Chicago Fire
Modern Family
Grey's Anatomy
6. New on TV this week was the Syfy network debut of a comic book-themed show, which uses as its title which place associated with a DC hero?
7. Rihanna, understandably angry at this social media channel for using an ad which made light of her traumatic experience with Chris Brown, urged users to abandon it:
8. Fresh off the so-so success of her A Wrinkle in Time film, Ava Duvernay will be playing for even higher stakes, as she is named director of New Gods, part of this cinematic franchise:
Harry Potter
Star Wards
9. A star of this sitcom is now running for governor in the great state of New York:
Malcolm in the Middle
Everybody Loves Raymond
Sex in the City
10. And those of us old enough to remember 90s post-punk might have a hard time accepting that this act has signed on for a Las Vegas residency:
Green Day
Good Charlotte
The Offspring

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