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How Well Do You Know: 3/9/18-3/15/18
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1. RIP Toys R Us. The one-time giant toy distributor finally decided to pack it in and close all its stores. Older SLW audiences will remember the once-ubiquitous commercial jingle, and its mascot giraffe named:
2. Also leaving us this week was the genius and somewhat of a pop culture hero, who was the inspiration for this acclaimed biopic:
A Beautiful Mind
The Theory of Everything
My Left Foot
3. And heading down the Great Runway in the Sky is this fashion designer, who had an impact on Hollywood and helped make Audrey Hepburn an icon:
St. Laurent
4. This week, everyone had fun with this pop culture "day":
Talk Like a Pirate Day
Pi Day
Star Wars Day
Back to the Future Day
By way of explanation.....
This week saw not only Pi Day (3.14) but also Mario Day (MAR10)
5. It's so subtle that you may have missed it, but Saturday Night Live has been poking a bit of fun lately at the current US political scene. This weekend's SNL cast this newsmaker in a skit for The Bachelor:
Donald Trump
Robert Mueller
Rex Tillerson
Eric Trump
6. In news from the Katy Perry file: The same week that Katy started as a judge on American Idol, a woman with this profession, and who was at the center of a lawsuit against the pop star, died with the case still in doubt:
Yoga instructor
Flight attendant
7. Joining Perry as an Idol judge is country star Luke Bryan and this name that was big in the 1980s:
Lionel Richie
Bryan Adams
Annie Lennox
Bobby McFerrin
8. At the movies, the critical $1 billion threshold was crossed this week, when this recent film's total worldwide box office exceed that mark:
Fifty Shades Freed
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Black Panther
9. At the Movies, This Week Edition: Disney's A Wrinkle in Time debuted at cinemas. Starring Oprah and Reese Witherspoon, the Disney film is an adaptation of the sci-fi novel by:
Ava DuVernay
Madeleine L'Engle
Margaret Atwood
Anne McCaffrey
10. At the Movies, Coming Soon Edition: This week, fans got their first look at the second film in the Fantastic Beasts series. The upcoming film's subtitle includes the name of this Harry Potter universe villain:

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