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How Well Do You Know: 2/23/18-3/1/18
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1. Everyone started to Vero Vero when you could finally Vero on Vero this week. Unless you're one of the ill-informed, you know that Vero is a social media platform that competes most directly with:
2. Speaking of social media, some pranksters had everyone convinced for a time this week that scientists have supposedly determined that ancient queen Cleopatra looks a whooooole lot like this female celeb:
Katy Perry
Scarlett Johansson
Britney Spears
3. There was a heaping helping of new TV this week. On the Peacock Network, The Voice returned, boasting the addition of this former American Idol standout to its stable of judges:
Kelly Clarkson
Carrie Underwood
Ruben Studdard
4. Also on NBC was the series debut of Good Girls, which features each of the following as a Good Girl, except for:
Mae Whitman
Christina Hendricks
Laura Prepon
5. Meanwhile, CBS launched its 98th season of Survivor. The latest edition of the Probst-fest features this spook word in its title:
6. If you're a well-known movie director that had a "massive heart attack this week," 1) we appreciate the patronage, but put down the quiz and rest up 2) that means you are:
Clint Eastwood
Quentin Tarantino
Kevin Smith
Martin Scorsese
7. Filing to run for Congress in California is former actress Stacey Dash. Prior to becoming somewhat of a nutjob, Dash was best remembered from starring in this popular teen film from a while back:
Bring It On
Ten Things I Hate About You
Varsity Blues
8. She lost her beloved dog Samantha last year. But, through some weird science, she cloned her deceased dog into not one, but two living dogs. She is:
Barbra Streisand
Meryl Street
Kathy Griffin
9. This cartoon character - even those of us who remember watching its show haven't thought about him for a loooong time - was brought back to the fore this week when we learned President Trump uses as a nickname for AG Jess Sessions:
Mr. Magoo
Mighty Mouse
George Jetson
10. And finally, still in the Wayback File, this week marks the 35th anniversary of the finale of this show, whose audience of 106 million still stands as a record for a scripted show - and may never be touched again:
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Happy Days

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