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How Well Do You Know: 2/2/18-2/8/18
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1. New Edition, Part 1: A rumored "Cheater's" version of this board game has cheaters cheering and straight-shooters saying Booooooo:
2. New Edition, Part 2: Meanwhile, a new "lady-friendly" version of this popular snack has everyone wondering what exactly went into the process that resulted in this idea being green-lit:
3. New Edition, Part 3: Delighting fans of throwback music acts, New Edition was the 1990s act which announced plans for a reunion this week, right? Right??!?
Wrong, it was Blink 182
Huh-uh, it was Matchbox 20
Nope, it was the Spice Girls
4. New Edition, Part 4: Meanwhile, CBS's demands were not met, so the network unleashed a new "Celebrity" edition of Big Brother. Please pick the personality below that does not appear on the show:
Mark McGrath
Shannon Elizabeth
Taylor Lautner
Keshia Knight Pulliam
5. Friday saw everyone having a good laugh at the expense of the previous evening's three Jeopardy contestants, who absolutely bombed a category on this commonplace and timely subject:
Groundhog's Day
The Oscars
Black History Month
6. Raise your hand if you liked Justin Timblerlake's halftime performance at the Super Bowl. Didn't think so. However, JT's spot wasn't as bad as it might have been, had he not nixed his planned use of a hologram of this dead celebrity during his performance:
Michael Jackson
7. During the Big Game, Netflix aired a commercial promoting a follow-up to this feature, which it aired immediately after the game ended:
The Blair Witch Project
The Conjuring
The Exorcist
8. If you were onboard the bus carrying the touring cast members associated with this reality show, that means you and your fellow _____________ stars all escaped unscathed:
American Idol
The Voice
Dancing with the Stars
America's Got Talent
9. RIP John Mahoney. Dear to our hearts from his appearance in Say Anything and several other films, Mahoney also appeared as the patriarch on this long-running sitcom:
Everybody Loves Raymond
Malcolm in the Middle
Home Improvement
10. Having made it big on the small screen, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss look to make it big in a galaxy far, far away, as the team from this TV smash will be making Star Wars films for Disney:
Orange is the New Black
Grey's Anatomy
Game of Thrones

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