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How Well Do You Know: 12/29/17-1/4/18
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1. Passing away over the New Year's holiday was mystery novelist Sue Grafton, who based the titles of her terrific thrillers on:
Names of birds
Letters of the alphabet
Names of US cities
Names of popular songs
2. Also RIP Rose Marie, wisecracking actress who starred on this classic sitcom:
Dick van Dyke Show
Father Knows Best
The Honeymooners
Beverly Hillbillies
3. Those hoping for another Mariah Carey meltdown on New Year's Eve were somewhat disappointed, as the singing curiosity actually delivered a coherent performance, though she did pause between songs to beg for someone to hand her:
Her puppy
Ear muffs
An additional scarf
Hot tea
4. Meanwhile, during the NYE broadcast on Fox, this TV host got married live and on air:
Cat Deeley
Maria Menounos
Andy Cohen
Kelly Rippa
5. For those uninterested in parades, football or activities outside the house on New Year's Day, HBO offered a marathon of every film in this series:
James Bond
Fast and Furious
Harry Potter
Die Hard
6. It's "Gasta's Paradise", not "Gangster's Paradise." A Jeopardy contestant lost out on $3,200 by mispronouncing the title hip-hop anthem recorded by this singer:
Chris Brown
Notorious B.I.G.
Nate Dogg
7. Meanwhile, this music star has teamed up with fast food chain Jack in the Box for a $4.20 "Merry Munchie Meal":
Snoop Dogg
Willie Nelson
Mick Jagger
John Legend
8. Turning to the wonderful world of television, The Today Show now has two female anchors, as Hoda has been named as Matt Lauer's replacement. Identify the correct arrangement of the four letters which form Hoda's last name:
9. New Year's Day brought the debut of the second season of Better Late Than Never, which means somehow the first season completely escaped our notice. The cast of the reality show includes each of the following geezers, except for:
Michael Caine
Terry Bradshaw
William Shatner
Henry Winkler
10. These two cities are mentioned in the title of Fox's new plane-based sitcom:
LA and Phoenix
Dallas and Vegas
LA and Vegas
Dallas and Phoenix
11. As a nation in turmoil yearns for yet another singing competition, Fox rises to the challenge with The Four. The new show features Meghan Trainor, DJ Khaled and Sean Combs as judges, and this singer as host:
Christina Aguilera
Michelle Branch
Lisa Loeb
12. And though it was derided by most who saw it, this online provider's film Bright, starring Will Smith had its sequel greenlit:

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