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How Well Do You Know: 12/8/17-12/14/17
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1. The Big Gets Bigger, Part 1: The Mouse House becomes mightier with the announced acquisition of this movie studio:
20th Century Fox
2. The Big Gets Bigger, Part 2: Apple learned that all the cool kids are buying things, so they went ahead an purchased this music app:
Slacker Radio
3. And sometimes, The Big kind of creep people out. Take this video company, who announced they knew exactly how many people watched the obscure title The Christmas Prince
4. Speaking of Netflix, the video purveyors unleashed the second season of the critically and popular loved The Crown. Remind us which British monarch the series is about?
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth II
Mary Queen of Scots
5. "Everybody, chill!" Thus spake J.K. Rowling, defending the continued casting of this man for the Magical Beasts film series:
Robert Downey, Jr.
Johnny Depp
Tom Cruise
Alec Baldwin
6. If you are a band that was admitted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this week, please step forward. Whoa, not so fast there......
Bon Jovi
The Cars
Moody Blues
Def Leppard
7. Welcome to one of the two weeks a year where your awareness of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association rises 1000%. The HFPA's Golden Globe awards came out this week, and the most nominated film is:
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards
The Post
8. Eyebrows shot up that this actor won a Supporting Actor nomination, even though he shot his scenes only a few weeks ago (after being brought in to reshoot Kevin Space's scenes):
Patrick Stewart
Christopher Plummer
Martin Sheen
Robert Redford
9. On the TV side of the globes, this network reigns supreme with 12 overall nominations:
10. And this lady will be your Cecil B. DeMille Award recipient at January's Globes. Perhaps you have heard of her:
Meryl Streep
Tina Fey
Oprah Winfrey

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