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How Well Do You Know: 12/1/17-12/7/17
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1. Honors, Part 1: Among those who received special medals at this weekend's Kennedy Center Honors was this 1980s music figure:
Lionel Richie
Cyndi Lauper
Boy George
Annie Lennox
2. Honors, Part 2: As its Person of the Year, Time magazine chose the #MeToo movement. Among the women who appear on the cover is this figure whose lawsuit earlier in the year served as something of a bellwether:
Kristen Stewart
Rose McGowan
Taylor Swift
3. Honors, Part 3: On the list of runners-up to Person of the Year, Time noted this film director, who made a real splash in 2017:
Jordan Peele
Patty Jenkins
James Mangold
Christopher Nolan
4. And rounding out the honors-based segment of this week's quiz is this note from the Critics Choice Awards, where a film with this elemental substance in its name leads with 14 nominations:
By way of explanation.....
The Shape of Water leads with nods for Best Picture, Director and Original Screenplay for Guillermo del Toro and acting mentions for Sally Hawkins, Richard Jenkins,and Octavia Spencer
5. Not enough pro wrestlers appear at the Library of Congress. This week, he made an appearance to read from The Story of Ferdinand, the bull-based book adapted into an upcoming film in which he stars:
John Cena
Kurt Angle
The Rock
Hulk Hogan
6. On the small screen, CBS aired an anniversary show to mark the many, many, many achievements of this comedy legend:
Dick van Dyke
Bob Newhart
Carol Burnett
Betty White
7. Also looking fondly to the past was this sitcom which aired an early 20th-century-flavored holiday episode:
Will and Grace
The Good Place
Man with a Plan
The Big Bang Theory
8. And it's pineapples galore with Thursday night's long-awaited movie version of this cult USA network hit show:
Burn Notice
Royal Pains
9. Having been embroiled in controversy lately, director Bryan Singer got himself axed from the biopic of this singer for what is being termed "on-screen chaos":
George Michael
Michael Jackson
Elvis Presley
Freddy Mercury
10. And if years ago, you somehow had the foresight to place a wager on this guy signing on to star in the Pokemon movie Detective Pikachu, then step up and collect your winnings:
Ryan Reynolds
Keanu Reeves
Kevin Bacon
Liam Neeson

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