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How Well Do You Know: 11/24/17-11/30/17
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1. Big at the box office was Coco. But before audiences could enjoy the film, they had to sit through a curiously long "short" featuring a character from this film:
Wreck-It Ralph
Beauty and the Beast
2. Anyway, Coco starts a set of Pop Culture Geography questions in this quiz. In which film was the smash new Pixar film set?
3. Pop Culture Geography, Part 2: TV viewers were treated/subjected to the Victoria Secret Fashion Show, which was filmed in this Asian country that you may have heard of:
North Korea
4. Pop Culture Geography, Part 3: MTV reached back into its bag of tricks for a Jersey Shore spinoff, dubbing this iteration with a combination of which US state names?
Florida and South Carolina
Florida and Alabama
Florida and Georgia
Florida and Mississippi
5. She's appeared on Suits. She's captivated the world. Now, she's engaged to royalty. Please identify the correct spelling of the woman who is now to be wed to England's Prince Harry:
Meghan Markel
Megan Markhel
Meghan Markle
Megan Markel
6. Good week: He led all Grammy nominees with 8. Bad week: He admitted to marital infidelity in an interview:
Bruno Mars
Ed Sheeran
Adam Levine
7. So, which of the singers we just mentioned was got his own CBS prime-time special this week?
Bruno Mars
Ed Sheeran
Adam Levine
8. Well, golllllll-ey! RIP to Jim Nabors, who fans of old-timey television will remember as this goofy-but-lovable character:
Barney Miller
Barney Fife
Gomer Pyle
Goober Pyle
9. If you're the good-lookin' dude who stars in Pink's new video for her song Beautiful Trauma, that means that we welcome Mr.:
Chris Hemsworth
Matt Damon
Chris Pratt
Channing Tatum
10. And Every. Single. Marvel. Character. Ever. (well, except for X-Men. And Fantastic Four. And....) appear in the trailer for the upcoming Avengers film. The super-smash in the making, which hits theaters summer of 2018, has this word in its title:

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