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How Well Do You Know: 11/17/17-11/23/17
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1. What exactly does it take to get banned for life from Fox News? We don't'll have to ask ________ from the band ________:
Steven Tyler / Aerosmith
Gene Simmons / KISS
Slash / Guns n Roses
Chad Kroeger / Nickelback
2. Back on the market is Jennifer Lawrence. So, too, is this film director, who had been dating Lawrence:
Kevin Smith
Steven Soderbergh
Kenneth Branagh
Darren Aronofsky
3. Much was made of the Justice League opening, even before the film opened. Suspicion was cast on this outlet for withholding published reviews of the film until right before its opening:
Rotten Tomatoes
4. As far as the film itself, which met with mixed - at best - reviews, this character from the DC stable was not in the film:
Green Lantern
The Flash
5. And please identify for us the correct range into which the North American opening weekend for Justice League falls:
Less than $75 million
Between $75 and $100 million
Between $100 and $150 million
Greater than $150 million
By way of explanation.....
Justice League took in approximately $96 million during its opening weekend
6. RIP Malcolm Young, guitarist and co-founder of this righteous rock band:
Cheap Trick
The Eagles
7. Also finding himself in the obituaries this week is former teen heartthrob David Cassidy, who was a cast member of this classic TV show:
Happy Days
Leave It to Beaver
The Brady Bunch
The Partridge Family
8. And the number of Mels in entertainment decreased this week, as we bade farewell to the following Mel:
Mel Gibson
Mel Blanc
Mel Torme
Mel Brooks
9. On the eve of the release of its highly anticipated Coco, something odd happened in the Pixar world. What was it?
Pixar announced it would not submit Coco for Oscar consideration
The studio announced a loss-to-date of nearly $500 million
Company founder Lasseter announced he was taking a leave of absence
The studio announced it was leaving Disney
10. If you're in Washington, DC during the next week or so, you can catch the pre-Broadway run of the new musical based on this popular early 2000s film:
Mean Girls
Groundhog Day
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Napoleon Dynamite
11. If you're an Oscar winner who recounted recently how you and Cher helped to fight of an attacker who was violently assaulting a woman, that means that you are:
Hilary Swank
Charlize Theron
Nicole Kidman
Meryl Streep
12. In closing, we feel some weird obligation to mention something about the American Music Awards. The AMAs were hosted by the daughter of this music legend, who received a lifetime achievement award during the proceedings:
Aretha Franklin
Olivia Newton-John
Diana Ross
Donna Summer

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